Chapter 2

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Gabby's P.O.V

I looked up at the white that surrounded me, the look of awe on Alleria's face was so perfect, if only I had my phone it would be the perfect mugshot.

"Gabby" said the all father "my blessing will go to you" I couldn't believe what I was hearing "are you ready?" Yes had blurted out my mouth before I knew what was happening and a warmth like no other spread throughout my body and a presence lodged itself onto my back. I heard Alleria gasp and saw her small hand point to my back, I reached my hand back and felt something soft and warm, it felt like feathers. My head shot around to see two big wings protruding from my back, pure white in colour with slight dustings of gold on the tips of the longest feathers.

"Now your powers will take some time to get used to, and even longer to master. For now I will give you a little help but the rest will come to you in due time"

For a second I was confused but it suddenly all came to me. Before my eyes two objects materialised, one appeared to be a scythe with a long thin golden handle engraved with delicate patterns and a deathly sharp blade protruding from one end. The other was a pair of hand guns with gold barrels and red hilts and an elegant rose design engraved into the hilt.
"Now I'm afraid you can only choose one so choose car-" i cut him off "I want this one" "are you sure you can't change your-" i cut him off again "this one" i said pointing to the guns "are you really sure?" "This one!" I said again still pointing "well ok if you are sure.." he said hesitantly "Thank you" I muttered

"Alleria time for yours but I'm afraid this may sting a little"

I watched as my close friends face contorted into a face a fear and pain. She dropped down and groaned in agony scrunching up her face, her muscles tensed and contracted and her whole body convulsed and shook. I quickly rushed to her side and took her hand in an attempt to comfort her but it appeared to be in vain as it made no visible difference. Suddenly right before my eyes she started to grow, her limbs stretched and her joints popped and cracked as her body morphed. Her skin got paler and her hair was stripped of its brown colour leaving it a pure white. I heard her clothes rip as she grew and she let out another agonising groan but all I could do was watch. Finally she stopped growing and she took deep and laboured breaths as she heaved herself up into a sitting position.

"I'm so sorry my child" called the earth mother, her voice thick with sympathy. I watched in shock as Alleria, no longer the small 5ft girl I new, stood up now towering above me. "Gabby" she whispered "what happened to me..." I looked up at her, she was now 6-7ft tall with pale skin and white hair, however her eyes were still a rich green the same as mine though her lashes were now thicker. Her face was decorated with elegant dark marks which matched the delicate patterns which banded round her upper arms, torso and stomach following similar patterns as the marks on her face. "Alleria" I said "your beautiful" I really meant it, she was still slim like she always was but something about her had changed, something was different. "Really?" She said hesitantly "I feel so weird"
"This is your true form now Alleria" said the earth mother "you have changed and have been gifted with Druidic powers, unlike gabby who has holy and mind powers yours are nature based." She said proudly "shapeshifting is among your new skill set, however you have a wild and unpredictable magic that is extremely hard to control so my second gift to you is this staff. The crystal will help you control your powers as well as allow you to keep your original form while you wear or use it." As soon as she finished speaking a pale blue crystal hanging from a a piece of black lace formed around Alleria's neck "but how it this a staff?" She asked confused "take of the crystal and hold it in your hands" said the earth mother, Alleria complied and gave a gentle tug at the gem around her neck, to her surprise it easily fell away into her hands "it's held on by magic so it will come off and re-attach at command, only by you though" the earth mother explained causing Alleria to nod in understanding and awe. "Now" commanded the earth mother "repeat after me, forma facti tuo verum est" "become your true form" I thought aloud "Latin" as I said this Alleria repeated what the earth mother said causing the crystal to glow "now throw it up in the air" said the earth mother. Alleria threw it up and It suddenly became a gorgeous staff that is just taller then her. "It's beautiful" she exclaimed in awe. "When you want it to turn back just say habitum and hold it up to the lace around your neck" she did this and when it attached to her neck there was a bright light and then she looked like her old self again par the now ripped clothes.

"There, now you are ready, good bye my children" said the all father. Then everything went black.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, feel free to comment with suggestions and criticism as long as it's polite!
Tora xx

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