Chapter 6

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Sorry if there is not much plot development this chapter I'm just trying to set the scene and introduce characters, enjoy!

Alleria's POV:

After hours of kicking, screaming and struggling, my leg had finally been bandaged up. I wasn't happy about it either, the gash was to high up my thigh for me to be comfortable about it being touched, so I was sulking on the other side of the room. Gabby on the other hand was trying to salvage anything she could from our poor mangled bags. To her annoyance not much could be saved from either bag, from mine she got my tiger and unicorn teddies, a blanket though it was now spotted with holes, my favourite dress, a bra, some pants which were also spotted with holes, 2 pairs of jeans, one black and one blue, and a crop top. From hers she got 3 t-shirts, a pair of jeans, a extra bra, 2 pairs of pants, and some socks. She groaned in annoyance "clea we barely have enough clothes to last us the week" you sighed
"and I'm sorry but your art stuff is a little mangled, I don't know how much you can save.." she trailed off. At this I walked across the room and swept the small case of things up into my arms "you have your phone?" I asked, she replied with a nod "good me too, at least we're not completely cut of I guess" I said trying to lighten the situation. I looked around, we were in a spare room of the hotel that James and the others appeared to be staying in. It was a nice hotel with white walls and sizeable beds, it was quite spacious too with a comfortable living room and small kitchen area. Gabby got up saying something about talking to James about what to do but I wasn't really listening and just gave a muffled hum in reply. After she had walked out I pulled the small container of medication and twisted off the lid, counting its contents. "Three weeks left" I said under my breath, putting it into my crumpled bag. I fear the day that my medication runs out, it's the only thing keeping me together. The medication was for my ADHD, I have it pretty bad which is annoying, I mean I have dyslexia too but that's easy to get by with generally. I don't like being on the meds I have but it's usually better then not being on them. Looks like I will have to make the most of it before I run out. "ok let's see the damage then" I whispered, opening my bag and retrieving my art pads and pencils. I smiled, there was a picture of me, Gabby and Zara taped to the front of one of my art pads, our faces bright and smiling. Though now the corners were lifting off the pages and it had lost its glossy finish. I rummaged through my pencil case much of its contents were broken and I took out what I couldn't save, the art pads were luckier, only being bashed up at the edges and a little bent in places. Looking through my art was nice and I could easily pick out my favourite pieces. The drawing of naxxramas from world of Warcraft and the one of bubble gum garnet from Steven universe. The big green dragon was my proudest accomplishment, I had done a lot of fine detailing on its scales and eyes.
"You draw?" A deep voice said behind me causing me to turn around to face its owner. It was Jonathan, I think, his brown eyes were locked onto mine in a way that made me feel uncomfortable and look back down at my art pad. "Just a little" I mumbled not being able to make eye contact for longer then a second. "Doesn't look like just a little to me" he chuckled "with the amount of paper you have and all" I hugged my art pad closer to my chest, I was tired and not in the mood for talking, though I wasn't hungry, even though I hadn't eaten since that morning. "Hey I came here to ask if you wanted any food, were going to order pizza if that's ok" I perked up at this, god I love pizza. "ha that got your attention, gabby said you would have chicken and ham, that's ok right?" He asked, I nodded and started to pack away my art things. Trust Gabby to know my favourite toppings "We will call you when it arrives, we will probably be in the main room" he said and went to leave but he hesitated. "Hey can you stand alright yet?" He asked cautiously, I looked down again ashamed that I would need help. He must have figured that out, as he walked over to me and held out a hand, which i graciously took, and hauled me to my feet. Once I was up he went to put his arm around me for extra support but I flinched away "I can handle it from here" I mumbled "are you sur- oh apparently so" He said, and watched me hop out on one leg. I was good at hopping, one time me and gabby went to Normandy in France for a school trip and in my excitement I fell down a bomb crater and bust up one of my knees, leaving me to hop for the rest of the trip, but the memories are fond ones none the less.

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