Part 28

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Delirious ask me to spent the weekend at his house. I texted Anthony that I'm going to Del's house. He told me where he lived and so I'm gonna landed in his house. I found his house so I landed in the tree. I hopped down the tree and went to his house. I knocked on the door and it open to reveal Del." Hey". He said." Hey". I said. He let me inside and saw his house.

 He let me inside and saw his house

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"Woah! Are you rich?!" I said. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me." Yeah but I don't like it. My parents spoil me". He said. He then kissed my cheek." So what do you want to do?" I said." Want to play video games?" He said." Sure what game?" I said." We can play Call of Duty". He said." Sure. You know I've never played it". I said." Of course babe, that's why I'm showing you. Plus I want to put you on YouTube". He said. I froze in fear." Babe don't worry". He said. He kissed my forehead and grabbed me to his room. We went inside and it was big bedroom.

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"Woah". I said." I know". He said and kissed my cheek."C'mon the game and camera is set up. And don't worry no one on the internet has ever seen my face". He said." Oh ok". I said. He got two chairs and put them in front of the computer. We both sat down and he gave me a controller. Then he turned on the camera." What's up guys? H20Delirious here and I'm gonna troll some people on Call of Duty. And I have my girlfriend here. Say hi". He said nudging me." Uh hi". I said." Ok let's get started". He said. Then when we started to troll people on the game and play Call of Duty. It was my first time playing and I was pretty good." Hey that's a nice Patrick star emblem". I said even though it was a SpongeBob emblem." THAT'S NOT PATRICK! IT'S SPONGEBOB YOU STUPID GIRL!" Someone said." First off, stop yelling in the mic and secondly she knows her tv show and I know that it's SpongeBob". Del said. I was trying not to laugh while he talks to the boy." Well you can shut the-". The boy said but was cut off by Del and me coming off the server. We started to laugh really hard." Baby you did great!" Del said and I blushed and he ended the video." I'm hungry. Wanna order some pizza?" He said." Yeah sure". I said. We went downstairs and he went to call for pizza. He was done calling the pizza and we sat on the couch." Want to watch a movie?" He said." What movie?" I said." How about Friday the 13th?" He said." Alright". I said." Ok". He said and put the movie in the display disc. Then the movie started. We watch the movie until the pizza came. He paused the movie and got up and went to get the pizza." Thank you". I heard Del said and the door closed." Hey pizza is here". Del said and turn off the lights and un paused the movie then we started to eat the pizza. It was funny how Del can get so easily scared when Jason kills his victims. Then a few hours later, we finished the pizza and finished the movie." Now what should we do?" I said." I don't know". He said. He stared at me then I could tell he was looking at my lips. He then kissed me and I kissed back. I suddenly felt him taking my ponytail off. I pulled away and smirked." What are you doing?" I said and he smirked." Making your hair go down. It looks nicer like that then have it in a ponytail". He said." Your weird, crazy and cute at the same time". I said." I guess that makes us the same". He said. I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek. He kissed me again and I felt him smile in the kiss. We pulled away and smiled at each other. " I think it's time for us to go to bed. It's really late". I said and he chuckled." Trying to make an excuse, I see? Well my evil princess, my parents aren't gonna be here for a while so we can do anything we want". He said." Really now? I wouldn't want you to be bored with me. I'm a very boring person". I said and he smirked at what I'm trying to do." Now how can I be bored to a girl like you? In my opinion, your very interesting". He said." Well I can be rather bored". I said." Fine. We'll go to sleep". He said." Thank you". I said. Then we went upstairs and into his room and got into his bed." Bed babe". He said as he turns off the lights and kissed my forehead. I giggled and smiled." Night Crazy". I said. Soon I fell asleep and so did he.

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