Part 33: When Delirious realize he loves Anastasia

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3rd person POV
It was the first year of high school and everyone is getting a fresh start for four years of high and then college. Anastasia and Anthony were 14 and 15 years old feeling refreshed from their summer vacation." Man I hope those idiots aren't here". Ana said." I hope so too Ana but don't get your hopes up". Anthony said shoving his hands in his pockets. Then suddenly a group of boys came down the hallway and a bunch of fan girls started to circle them. It was the Vanoss Crew." Ugh Jesus Christ". Anthony said. Then he saw that Vanoss was looking at them. Ana started to growl like a dog and tried to walked to them but Anthony grabbed." Ana you know you can't attack. If you're secret comes out, we're both in big trouble. Understand?" Anthony said. Ana sighs then nods as well. Then fan girls all left and The Vanoss Crew started to walk towards Anastasia and Anthony. Anthony pulls Ana behind him to protect her. Anthony had been working out during their summer vacation to become stronger." Hey losers". Vanoss said." What the heck do you guys want? Haven't you learned your lesson? Or did your mommies and daddies didn't give you enough things to learn your lesson?" Anthony said. Ana quietly giggles of what Anthony said." Oh Anthony still with those horrible insults. Haven't you learn to stop trying to act tough or does your parents need to speak gibberish to you so you could learn?" Wildcat said earning some chuckles from his friends. Anthony kept holding back tears and Ana grabbed his hand and he squeeze her hand." Is that little scaredy Anastasia we all know?" Ohm said. Ana paused and buried her face in Anthony's back." I swear if you touch her, I'll skin you alive". Anthony said." Oh really?" Vanoss said. He then took a step near Anthony and punched him in the face. Anastasia looked at him and he had blood going down his mouth. Her eyes widen and then her eyes went to anger. She stepped out looking at Vanoss and smirked." Watch where your putting your hands Vanoss. You wouldn't want your hand to be dirty. Here I'll make something else bloody for you". She said then kicked Vanoss in the leg making him fall." HOW DARE YOU?!" Vanoss said." HOW DARE I?! YOU ARE PUTTING YOUR HANDS ON SOMEONE ELSE AND YOUR SAYING TO ME HOW DARE I?!" She yelled in the most angriest tone. They were all shocked that she yelled at Vanoss including Anthony. Wildcat and Moo helped up Vanoss and glared at Ana." This isn't over loser". Vanoss said and they walked away. But then Delirious was the only one looking back at her. Anthony looked at her in shocked and she looked at him scared." I-I didn't mean to do that Anthony. I-I'm sorry". She said. Anthony then hugged her and she was in shocked but she hugged back." Don't be sorry. Thank you for that Ana. You should really be more like that but you can be shy too". He said.

I looked back at Anastasia then looked away. She's so different from middle school. She was so shy in middle but now she's acting more like Anthony. She also looks different. She's wearing so cuter clothes. Well I don't think that the guys think it's cute. But what is this feeling I have. When she kicked Evan, I actually thought it was brave of her to do that. She wouldn't hurt a fly when we were all in middle school. In a few hours, it was time for class and I realized that I have the same class with her and I'm sitting next to her. I sat down and then Ana came and saw that her seat arrangement is next to me." WHAT?! I'M NOT SITTING NEXT TO THAT LOUSY PIECE OF TRASH!" She yells." Please calm down Anastasia, it's where I put you and you have to deal with it". The teacher said. Ana scowled and sat down then I looked over to her. She was wearing a light purple blouse, jeans, and a lavender flower in her hair. My cheeks started to heat up and I don't know why. There's one thing that must be happening..... am I started to have feelings for her? No, that's ridiculous. I can't have feelings for her, I'm suppose to hate her. Yeah I'm suppose to hate her. I looked at her against with her head down." But she's looks so beautiful". I thought then I scolded myself trying to stop thinking about this." I mean what's so bad about her? I mean, she's smart, tough, cut-". I thought and scolded myself again." I can't have feelings for her. The guys will hate me. But she's so pretty". I thought." Ok! Ok! I can't believe I'm saying this but I have feelings for her! I have feelings for Anastasia! I like her! Maybe love her! I love her! I love Anastasia! I sighed then smiled. Then the class started and everyone was here.

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