Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

            Crying. That’s what I woke up to the next morning. I lay in bed for a second before I pushed myself up on my elbow and looked over at the crib. The moment we made eye contact he stopped crying and a smile spread across his face.

            “Hey baby” I said as I pulled the covers off me and got up out of bed.

            “Momma” I heard and looked over at Aden who had a smile on his face again.

            “Aren’t you happy baby this morning?” I walked up to his crib and picked him up. “How did you sleep?” I asked knowing that he wasn’t going to respond to my question. I brought him over to the hotel bed and put him down. He stood up and started walking around on the bed. He loved that he could walk around and fall and not get hurt when he was on the bed.

            I walked over to his bag and picked out his clothes for the day. Then I grabbed a diaper and some wipes and walked back over to the bed. When I got to the edge of the bed Aden ran over to me and I put my arms out to hug him.

            “Awe baby,” I said as I hugged him, “You’re getting so big.” As I said so big he lifted his arms above his head. I laughed and instead of taking his pajama shirt off like I normally would I tickled his armpits.

            He giggled and I kept tickling him. Moments like these I could never get enough of. Hearing his laugh was one of the best things in the world. I started laughing at his giggle and behind me I heard my door unlock.

            As the door was opening I heard my mother’s voice say, “Sophia I hope you’re awake.”

            “Yup Mom I am awake just getting Aden ready.” As I replied I started to get Aden dressed for the day.

            My mom walked up next to me and smiled down at her grandson. I knew she loved him more than anything in the world. I wish I could say the same thing about my Dad.

            The moment the thought crossed my mind I could feel a frown form on my face. I shouldn’t have thought that. He didn’t need to be in any of my thoughts. He’s the one that thought I ruined our family because of Aden. But honestly, sometimes I thought Aden was the one that brought our family closer.

            “What’s the frown for?” I heard my mom ask. I stopped thinking about my dad and smiled as I turned to face her.

            “Nothing just started thinking and you know how I get when I think too much.” I stated laughing lightly at the end hoping she would drop it.

            She dropped like I hoped and picked up Aden and put him on the floor. “You better go get in the shower Sophia. We have to leave in an hour.” She said as she went to sit on the floor next to Aden’s toys.

            “I’m getting my stuff together now.” I said as I walked over to my bad. “Can you do me a favor and pack up some of Aden’s toys so that I don’t have too much to do when I get out?”

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