Chapter One

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Let me know what you think. I haven't checked grammar yet so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes.

Chapter One

            “Tonight was amazing!” My mom said as I was walking off stage. I just did three encores and I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was see my son and sleep, but that wasn’t an option. The one thing my mom always said to me before I started singing was that if I got this far I wouldn’t take the people who helped me get there for granted.

            Scott walked up to me and said, “That was amazing. Now we have to start helping the crew.”

            I hated this part of my job but my mom was right. There are all these people that travel with me and set up the stage for me night after night. The least I could do was lend then a hand tearing it down.

            “Ok can I just have five minutes please?” I asked them. They should know by now that this is my routine but I still ask.

            “Of course.” Mom said. She says it every night and I’m grateful. All I want is five minutes to change into more comfortable clothes and to see my son. I didn’t think it was too much to ask for but you have to keep something a secret sometimes it is.

            I walked into my dressing room and went straight to the crib that was set up next to the couch. I looked down and Aden’s sleeping face and smiled. Sometimes I wondered how he sleeps through all the noise. But then I’m grateful he does. Because when he’s awake I want to be there with him. I don’t want someone else to have to watch my child. He is my responsibility.

            Turning away from him trying not to be too loud and walked over to where my clothes were hanging. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a tank top and changed into them before I grabbed the baby monitor and left the room.

            Walking back into the stadium the crew was already working at a fast paste. I don’t know how they have the energy to do this so late at night but I’m glad they do because the faster we all get it done the faster we can go to bed.

            I started wrapping up all the wires like I normally do when Haley one of my back up dancers walked up to me. I stopped to give her a hug and then started wrapping the wires again.

            “You know I’ve been traveling with you for three months now and I have yet to meet your sister. You would think she would want to come see her child.” Haley said.

            Her statement caught me off guard. She was the first person to ever come up and tell me that she noticed Kali had yet to come around. Composing myself I turned my head to tell her what I had been rehearsing to say for when this moment came. “You know Haley, Kali is really busy with trying to finish school and she doesn’t have the money to fly cross country right now. But she will come to see him soon. I know that.”

            “Not to be rude or anything but with the money you have can’t you fly her out here?” she asked. Even with her saying “not to be rude” it was still a rude question to be asking but I didn’t tell her that. I kept my composure.

            “I could but she doesn’t like when people help her out. On top of that she can’t be missing any of her classes right now. She’s almost done with school so she doesn’t want to miss any days. She already missed a year and a half ago when she had Aden.” I said and with that I turned back to what I was doing letting her know I was done with the conversation.

            I hate lying to people, I always have. But I need to keep my child safe. That is my number one priority and if everyone knew about him I wouldn’t ever be able to take him anywhere. I already get hounded with enough paparazzi I don’t need anymore. And I especially don’t need them going after my son.

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