23. We Know

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"Wait a minute... they're replacing the debate teacher, George Washington? Why would they do that? I mean, yay for us, we'll win all the tournies, but.... why? I mean, I thought King's was smarter than that!" George King sniffed as he and his cronies Samuel Seabury, George Eacker, and Charles Lee sat together at George's mansion.
"Washington's mom is sick or something," George E shrugged and helped himself to more caviar. "Mr. Adams is his long term substitute,"
"Mr. Adams! I know him! That can't be.. that that..." George K flourished out his hand. "Little guy who spoke to me at the beginning of the year at some football game. He probably couldn't coach his way out of a paper bag, nonetheless a high school debate team!" George K scoffed and started laughing. The other snickered awkwardly even after George had finished his little laughter.
"Silence!" George K glared at them. "Bumbling fools!" He muttered to himself.
"Nothing, nothing." George sighed. "Let's watch a movie. Princess Bride?"
"You always want to see that one! You're such a romantic sap!" Charles laughed.
"Am not! Besides, Charlie, if anyone is a sap, it's you for George!" George K stuck out his tongue.
"I-what? Ha! That's funny. I'm totally not- that's ridiculous!" Charles' face flushed a deep red.
"That's totally ridiculous!" George E confirmed, fave still a bright red.

"Me. Hamilton! You're late!" Mr. Adams reprimanded Alex as he walked through the door while the bell was still ringing.
"Not technically. The bell was still ringing when he walked through the door!" Aaron Burr protested, coming to Alex's defense.
"I can fight my own battles, Aaron." Alex glared at Aaron. "Sorry, sir. I was helping Ms. Fleming in the front office. I have a note," Alex handed Mr. Adams a crumpled up piece of yellow paper.
"Arguing? Mr. Hamilton, I didn't ask for an explanation. What matters is is that you're late for class; that will get you consequences later in life if you're ever late, even if you do have a note." Mr. Adams threw away the paper without reading it. "Come talk to me after class." He said coldly.
"Yes, sir." Alex said dutifully, knowing if he said anything out of line he could say goodbye to his future in America.
"Aren't you gonna fight back? You did nothing wrong!" Maria whisper exclaimed.
"No. If I get in trouble again, I can get kicked out. I'm not risking anything," Alex said. Maria realized how tired he looked.
"That's not fair! Mr. Adams is taking advantage of you!"
"You're right. And there's nothing we can do."
"Nothing." Alex cut her off with a glare.

"It has come to my attention that while Mr. Washington was in charge, you had more free reign. That's going to change now. I won't tolerate you being disrespectful or coming to class late-"
"I wasn't being disrespectful, sir! The cameras can prove your bias! And I wasn't late! And technically, I had a pass from a teacher!" Alex protested.
"The cameras. Really? Why would they believe you enough to check the cameras? Thy already have my word. That's enough. Unless you're challenging my authority?"
"Why wouldn't they? If you are correct, you need not worry about it. I can tell the principal to check!"
"Why would he listen to you- a creole bastard, orphan, and immigrant who lucked upon entrance to this school? I'm a teacher. You're a student. You're less than a student. You're a foreign exchange. You have no power. Learn your place." Mr. Adams said coldly. Creole bastard floated around in Alex's mind like a butterfly, but it stung him like bee. He snapped.
"Me?" Alex said shakily. "You're an anti charismatic school-wide embarrassment! You're irrational! First, at the beginning of the year, you claimed I was giving England High the game plans, but who won state for us against England? Me! Bitch please! You wouldn't know what I'm doing- you're always going berserk, and you never show up to work anyways! By the way, tell Mrs. Adams I said hi. She's one of my favorite teachers and I happen to be her best student. Next time you try to talk about my lack of moral compas- talk to her. At least I do my job up in this shit!" Alex's face colored in and a mad look sprang on his features. "Oh, sorry. Did I cross the line there? Pardon. At least I didn't make fun of your ethnicity, childhood, parents- and lack thereof, and your immigration status, like your racist ass. Oh, such a rough life you must lead as a fifty year old white guy who lucked upon everything in his life and never had to work a day. Better run to your wife. Let me ask you a question- who, as president of the debate team sits in your desk when you're away vacationing in Massachusetts? Me! People have literally been complaining about you and calling you a dick since 1976, when you defended the racist officers, and you haven't done anything new since! You're a nuisance with no sense- you would die of irrelevance! Go ahead, you aspire to my level and malevolence. Oh, while you're at it, say hi to Jefferson and Madison in ISS for me! And I'm pretty sure everyone in debate with us can confirm- I don't care if I kill my career with this speech- I'm getting you fired!" Mr. Adams rise in his seat to deliver a line, but Alex beat him to it. "Sit down, John, you fat mother fucker!" Alex threw his papers on the ground and stalked out of the room to go to lunch. Thankfully, he couldn't be tardy for that.
"You're kicked off the debate team!" Mr. Adams said weakly behind him. Alex whipped around and flipped him off.

"Did you hear? Alex was kicked off the debate team!" James whispered to Thomas as they walked down the hallway, hand in hand.
"Holy fuck? What?"
"Yeah, apparently Mr. Adams privately called Alex a 'creole bastard, orphan, and immigrant who lucked upon entrance to this school' and Alex went off on him,"
"Oh my god! That's amazing! Now I don't have to use the embezzlement issue against him! Is he also getting kicked out of school?"
"Embezzlement issue? And no, I don't think so. But if Alex gets into one more fight or large problem, he'll be gone-zo."
"Yeah, I was looking at his financial status," Thomas sat down on one of the cafeteria benches with his homemade lunch of macaroni. "And seemingly a bunch of money has disappeared from his account with no explanation. Meaning..."
"An immigrant embezzling our school funds... I can almost see the headline! His future in America- or anywhere for that matter is obsolete!"
"My point. I think he should pay for my broken nose, don't you think?"
"Let's let him know what we know." James smirked.

Interview!!!! Whoooo!
Author: our first question goes to Eliza from TheFifthZilro
Eliza: Hello!
Author: Eliza, you're the sweetest character in the book. What do you think of the Washingtons?
Eliza: Well, Mr. Washington is my teacher, but at the same time he's Alex's guardian/parental unit. Plus, he is my favorite teacher. And Mrs. Washington is super nice!
Author: Alright, thank you! Next question is for Philip from crinGEYxD

Philip: Why hello there... where am I?
Author: I'll be the one asking questions here, thank you! Who is the most influential person you know?
Philip: Okay, it's going to sound cheesy, but it's totally Alex. He's been there for me all year and acts like my older brother. He's super hard working and amazing at the piano!
Author: Thank you so much! And out last question is for Burr from trash-writer

Aaron: Who tf are you?
Author: My name is Alexander Hamilton. My name is Alexander Hamilton. And there's a million things I haven't done.. just you wait, jut you wait!
Aaron: Wtfffff
Author: Just kidding! There's a question for you from your fans... What are your thoughts on Alex?
Aaron: He's... well, when I first met him, he was kinda annoying. And then he grew on me and I thought of is as really close friends. And now he hates me... I wish I knew why...
Author: SECURITY! Anyways, that's enough for today folks!


Also, I'm in France right now!!

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