5. The "Fall Ball"

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    Days flew past as Alex gradually got used to living in an apartment with the Washington's in New York. Soon enough, it was Thursday, time for the first game of the season! There was a big dance the night after the game for the cheerleaders and football players that technically everyone was invited to, but really, the only people who actually showed up to the crappy school dances were the people required to go, AKA, the football teams and cheerleading squad. It was nicknamed the Fall Ball, even though it was about as classy as a week old box of greasy McDonalds frenchfries.
      "Alex! Where is my shampoo?" Lafayette yelled from the bathroom.
      "I don't know! I'd never want to use your prissy orange blossom midnight twist shampoo!" Alex yelled back as he straightened his tie.
      "IT'S CHERRY BLOSSOM MIDNIGHT TWIST!" Lafayette yelled.
      "I need my hair to be silky smooth for the dance tonight! I've got to get the ladies! You wouldn't understand, you're too antisocial for them to love you." Lafayette stormed into Alex's room wearing only a towel around his waist.
      "Did you check under the sink?" Alex asked and brushed his hair in front of his dresser mirror.
       "I'll be right back..." Laf said sheepishly and ran out the room.
      A few seconds later, Alex heard a muffled "thank you!" from the bathroom and sighed. He didn't want to go to some stupid school dance. He wasn't even technically on the team! Besides, he hated dressing up. He knew that nobody else was going to wear anything too fancy shmancy, but Coach Washington made him wear a stupid tie and button down. He was still wearing jeans and converse, though. There was no way he was showing up in slacks and those squeaky clean black funeral shoes that pinched his feet.
      "Done and done." Alex whispered to himself and checked himself out in the mirror. He wasn't clean shaven per say, but he did trim his goatee a little so it looked, quote unquote, professional. He also let Lafayette style his hair for once so it wasn't in its usual messy bun. It was just in a ponytail, but Lafayette was making such a fuss with it, that Alex just said "Awesome! Wow!" And pretended to be amazed at his skills. He really didn't look that bad. In fact, he looked pretty good, actually. Some would even say "handsome". It was definitely a step higher than his usual "casual boy next door" look.
      "You guys ready?" He heard the coach yell from downstairs.
      "Yeah!" Alex yelled back and checked himself in the mirror one last time before he ran downstairs. He opened up the car door and jumped inside on the passenger seat.
      "Non!" Lafayette cried when he saw that Alex had already taken shotgun. Alex playfully stuck his tongue out at him and buckled in.
      After a short car ride, our (not so much) heroes pulled up to the school doors. Alex was about to go in the entrance to pay five dollars to get in when Washington stopped him.
      "Teacher privileges." He said and held up a key with a smirk. Despite Alex's protests of "Pay your freaking taxes!", they trekked across the campus to the other entrance and snuck into the cafeteria with the key to avoid paying, because honestly, if they were being forced to go, why should they pay five dollars?!
      Alex scanned the dance floor, that was really the cafeteria with the tables pushed back against the wall and fancy lighting, for his friends. Or more specifically, a certain friend. He didn't like John or anything, that was absurd! Right? I mean, he wasn't here for some romance. It wasn't that he was denying his sexuality- Alex had known he was bi since the Eighth Grade, he just wasn't going to
fall for someone he met a couple days ago, and he definitely wasn't going to fall for someone who he'd have to leave next semester anyways (the exchange program only lasted for a semester). Suddenly the ground disappeared and he fell down with a thump on the hard tile.
      "YO!" Hercules yelled as he tackled Alex and pinned him to the ground.
      "OOOF!" Alex coughed and threw Hercules off of him.
      "Welcome to your first dance!" Hercules hollered and helped Alex up.
      "I could do without the welcoming tackle, but thanks for thinking of me." Alex said sarcastically and brushed off his button down.
      "Someone looks fancy!" John walked towards Alex and looked him over.
      "The converse are a nice touch, though." He joked and smiled at the blushing Alex. The most John had done was wear a plaid shirt which was TECHNICALLY a button down, and buttoned it up to his elbows. Other than that, he looked exactly the same as he always did. John had never cared too much about appearance- he thought he was hideous anyways. He hated his freckles, and his basic green eyes, and his stupid smile. He hated pretty much everything about himself, really. It's kind of funny though; the freckles that John hated looked like constellations to others, and his mesmerizing green eyes were flecked with gold, and his dazzling smile made everyone weak in this knees. Not that he realized any of this though. No one ever realizes how beautiful they are, and they have to get constant approval of "friends" to feel like they truly are okay enough for society. Horrible, isn't it?
      Just as John came in, Aaron Burr swaggered in right after. He did try out for the football team in the end and wanted to be manager, but he ended up in varsity.
      "Aaron Burr, sir!" Alex called and Aaron rolled his eyes at the stupid nickname, but walked over anyways.
      "Hey, you look pretty good!" Alex complimented. Aaron was wearing the same exact outfit as Alex, causing John, Lafayette, and Hercules to bend over laughing.

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