03 | jughead jones

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{ n/n= nickname. Takes place in the future }

   Whoever thought that things would become normal in Riverdale? Not me that's for sure. Things have been going so well the past two years especially for Archie and Veronica, who have gotten married and twins together. I was currently getting ready to go over to their house for a get-together lunch with Jughead, Betty, Kevin and Cheryl. I put the finishing touches on my makeup, straighten out my summer dress, the I grabbed my purse and my keys and headed for my car.


   I reach the 'Andrews' residence and ring the doorbell. I was greeted with a very happy Veronica, "Y/N your finally here, come on in," she said motioning me to come inside the house.

I walk in to be greeted by a chorus of 'hi's' and 'hello's' from all of my friends. I look over into the living room to see Brooklyn and Fred playing with their toys. "Hi kiddos!" I say bending down to their level.

"Hi n/n" Brooklyn said giving me a hug and a kiss, while Fred came over and started playing with my hair. These kids sure do love me.

~no ones pov~

Whilst y/n was playing with the young kids, Jughead was caught staring at her from across the room, admiring his high school crush. The only people who knew this were Betty and Veronica, as they forced it out of him. They both knew that Jughead was too stubborn to tell y/n that he was 'in love with her'. They decided to make a plan to get Jughead to finally confess his love to y/n.

They pulled Jughead over to tell him what they were thinking and after much, negotiating, bribing, and many 'no I'm not ready yet', he finally decided to do it.

"Hey y/n do you think that you could take the kids to the park after we have lunch so they won't get in the way when we clean up?" Veronica said.

"Oh yeah of course V," y/n said not taking her eyes off of the Lego structure she was currently helping Fred build.

"Hey maybe Jughead can come with you so that you don't have to deal with them on your own?" Betty stated.

"That would be wonderful, if your up for it Jughead," y/n said looking up at Betty.

Veronica was staring at Jughead hoping that he would go through with the plan.

"Yeah I'm up for it" he said smiling.

'Step one is a success' Betty and Veronica thought.


"Thanks for tagging along juggie," y/n said as she laid a blanket on the grass for the kids to sit on.

"Ah no problem, I always like coming here," Jughead said with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

They both sat down on a bench not far from where the kids were playing, as a long silence filled the air.

Jughead sighed before saying "you know what I'm just going to do this now,"

Y/n had a puzzled look on her face "w-what,"

"Betty and Veronica set this up for us to come to the park together so that I can tell you that-" he cut himself off.

"That you what Jughead," y/n asked.

That's when Jughead pressed his lips against y/n which lead to a short but sweet and passionate kiss.

"Does that explain it," Jughead asked, his voice small.

"Yes and no," y/n said with a slight giggle.

"Well I've been in love with you since high school and never had to courage to tell you until mow I guess,"

"Well your in luck because I just so happen to like you Jughead," y/n said poking Jughead's chest.

They shared yet another quick kiss.

"Ewwwww gross!" Jughead and y/n look in the direction of the two kids who were covering their eyes and sticking their tongue out.

Both Jughead and y/n laughed before going over to the two kids and spent the rest of the day playing with them in the park.

I guess you could say that this plan was indeed successful.


{ requested by WriterGirlme I hope you enjoyed it }

This is my first requested imagine and I'm so sorry if it turned out horrible, it's half assed and I wrote this crying because my favorite youtuber (filthy frank) is apparently quitting his YouTube channel and I'm so upset and sad but happy because now George gets to do what he wants and focus on music and I'm such a crying wreck. I've also been v busy this week and haven't gotten any sleep.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this, please vote for it and also do you think I should enter this in the Wattys? I don't think I should tbh but I want your feedback!


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