Chapter 2

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Me - Morning! Hope you all are ready! Eat and then come with me.

Harry- This food is actually good!

Me- What did you think! I can cook!


Me- I brought some newbies! They are Luna, Neville, Lupin, Sirius, Snape, James, and Lily!

Snape- Lily! You are alive!


Harry- Mom! Dad! Sirius! Lupin!

Me- Okay. Okay. You all are excited, but y'all need to cool it.

Me- Okay more dares! Harry go tell Voldemort you have had his nose this whole time. Ron find more spiders for Bob. Hermione go tell Pansy you love Draco. Draco back up Hermione. Ginny leave Harry alone for one day. Fred and George go dye your hair different colors. Luna bring me a nargle. Neville dress up like your grandma. Sirius, James, and Lupin go a week without being mean to Snape. Snape go a week without insulting them. Lily read Snily!

Harry- I thought Voldemort was dead!

Me- I can bring people back, if I feel like it!

Harry- Fine.

*Harry disappears*

(On Camera 54)

Harry- Volde?

Volde- Yeah?

Harry-I had your nose the whole time!

Volde- *gasp* GIVE IT BACK TO MEH!

Harry- Nope!

Volde- GET HIM!

(Camera turns off)

Harry- I almost got killed!

Me- I know, but that was funny to watch! P.S nobody is getting killed.

Me- Ron go spider hunting!

Ron- No! NO! NOOOOO!

Me- Bye!

(On Camera 23)

Ron- Nice Spider! Nice Spider! Bob go pick out a friend!

*Bob picks out huge spider*

Ron- *stuttering* Ok.

(Camera turns off)

Me- Aww! That spider is so cute, Bob! I dub her as Lucy!

*Bob smiles?*

Me- Hermione and Draco!

Both- NO! No! Noooo!

Me- Suck it up! If Ron can go spider hunting you to can do this!

(On Camera 18)

Pansy- Dracy!

Hermione- Back off! I love Draco!

Pansy- You mudblood! You aren't good enough!

Draco- Yes she is!

Pansy- Dracy! How could you!

Draco- We are together!

Pansy- NO! No! No!

(Camera 18 goes out)

Me- Okay! That was the best dare ever!

Both- You are so mean!

Me- Whateves! Fred and George go dye your hair!

Both(Fred and George)- Fine.

Me- Only tell me who is who!

Both- Fine!

George- Mines is purple.

Fred- Mines is green.

Me- Okay!

Me- Luna can you hand me the nargle?

Luna- Sure!

Me- That is so cool!

Me- Okay! Lupin, Sirius, and James be nice to Snape. Snape be nice to them.

All-Fine *sigh*

Me- Okay now Lily go read a Snily story.

Lily- Okay.

* 1 hour later*

Lily- Snape and I together? We are friends, but I do loves James.

Me- Okay that concludes today's chapter! Bye!

Ron- You forgot Ginny! And Neville!

Me- Okay! *Locks Ginny in closet* *Tosses Neville some weird clothes* Now we are done! Bye y'all!

Hope y'all have liked this! If you want be included or have ideas let me know. Thanks for support! - Sandrina

P.S I don't ship Dramione. Really, the only noncannon ship I ship is Nuna.

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