Things from siblings in other houses have said to me

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Me- So sis, Slytherin or Azkaban?
Azkaban- Cadie of Hufflepuff

Anywhere Umbridge goes is living Azkaban - Cadie of Hufflepuff

*Not sibling, but who cares!*
Mom to younger sibs- Do you guys want an apple?
Me- No! Don't give them the green ones! Don't eat them!
Mom- Why?
Me: It is a HP joke. *in head: Draco is gonna kill me if they eat them! Oh drapple.

*Sibling again*

Me: *Talks to Cadie about Hufflepuff.*
Younger 4 year old sister of Gryffindor: What is a Hufflepuff?
Me: Rolls on floor laughing.

*The one above actually happened! She made an AVPM reference and 1: She has never seen it 2: She is four


-Sandrina of Slytherin 💞🐍

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