✨Chapter 12✨

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I hate family reunions that's why I didn't post 🤦🏽‍♀️😴but anyways back for another chapter....

No wait 😂

You guys this story just growing so much it was literally 1k last week

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You guys this story just growing so much it was literally 1k last week.😭 It's now at 3k , Thank you guys for reading,voting, and commenting it means more than you know to me. Okay I won't do too much lets get into this chapter.

  Okay I won't do too much lets get into this chapter

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I was up all night studying for this damn test wasn't able to rest at all. I didn't want to go to the study group because I wasn't all excited to see Sydnee. I texted the group chats for the pointers but they only gave me so many. They felt like I should've came to the session because she helped break down everything to make more sense than the books teaching.

As of right now I am rushing to get to class so I can take this test because I'm going straight to sleep after this class. I just pray that I make at least an B on this test. Once I got in there she was starting to pass out the tests. I damn near held in my breath when she passed it to me.


I checked back over answers made sure I put something down for all of them. I looked up and noticed it was at least five people still left. I grabbed everything and started walking towards Syd, when I handed it to her she stopped me.

"Why you didn't come to the study session?" I stared me down while I shrugged my shoulders. "Everyone was there except you. You better get with the program before you have to see my face next semester." She shooed me away and looked over my paper.

I walked out the class to see everyone talking about the test. "Did going to the study session help y'all ?" I looked towards everyone.

"Hell yea,I flew that test with ease," one girl said causing us to laugh.

"Well I guess I'll be in there next time," I shrugged my shoulders sticking my hands in my pockets.

"Won't be next text she said she might not do it next test," this dude names Elijah said while scratching the back of his neck.

I shook my head and I walked off from the group. I was rushing home so I can lay down before I have to go to work later on today.I can't win for no nothing in this world. I'm trying to past this class but I get so damn distracted I can't think. If I fail I just fail fuck it at this point.

Later on that day

      Tired right now was an understatement. I'm trying my best to keep my eyes open as of right now. Dr. Allen wore me out last night and I can't even bounce back. I am ready to get in my bed and lay down in my comfortable sheets.

I grabbed the graded papers that I just finished and set them on Mrs. Jones desk. I sprinted out of there fast as I can because my bed is calling my name. Once I pulled into my driveway I seen Allen's car sitting there. Confusion spread across my face so fast because I didn't tell him when I was going to be home. Honestly I didn't know if I should get out or be scared that he here unannounced.

I finally just walk up to his car to see what he want. He rolled down the window with a smug look on his face.

"Where were you?"

"At work.." I trailed off because I didn't necessarily tell him I was going to work.

"Who said you can go to work?"

"Me,Myself, and I." Before he said anything else he grabbed me by my neck.

"Quit," he said through gritted teeth ," I want you here during the day so when I want to fuck you I can just pull up."

He let me go and I was breathing real hard. This nigga must be out his ever lasting mind to think I'm going quit.

"Okay.." I got up and went straight into my house.

I was contemplating my life at the moment. I'm trying to figure out how and when he became so demanding. Last time I checked I'm not his wife and I don't want to be. I felt my phone vibrate knowing it was Allen, I looked down towards it.

DA😛💦: I'm sorry babe

I looked at the text confused because this nigga starting to act weird and I don't know how to feel about it. I packed clothes and quickly grabbed my purse . I texted Alex I was on my way to her house for the rest of the week.

I made it to Alex house and walked straight in.

"Bitchhhhhhhhhh!" I yelled.

"In the bathroom!"

I made my way to the bathroom because I have to tell this Bitch what this nigga did. I open the door and sat on the counter while she took a shower.

" I know you love me but why you got to stay the whole week?"

"Dr.Allen put his hands on me,"

"Bitch what?" She snapped her head out the curtain with shampoo in her hair. I couldn't be serious because she look retarded.

"He choked me," I said once I calm down.

"He always do."

I smacked my lips while rolling my eyes cause she thinks I'm playing. " No bitch not like that like my air supply was giving up on me."

She was stepping out the shower and she stared at my neck." Well you got a bruise," she tilt my neck and she gasp. " That shit look bad."

I turned to the mirror to see what she was talking about because she made me scared from the way she sound.

"I can't go to work like this!" Tears started to surface in my eyes.

"I got makeup you can use." Alex went to go grab the makeup from her vanity.

"It's going to rub off on my clothes," tears was fighting to come out.

"Don't cry it'll be okay," she hugged me tightly and pat my back.

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- KharismaDoll ✨❤️

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