Meeting | [2014] | (request)

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Prompt: M/C meets Demi Lovato and Lady Gaga (requested by JennaGermanotta)


"Can you drive any slower?" I groan.

"As a matter of fact, I can," my mother crisply replies.

With another groan, I glare at her.

"Just hurry up! I want to be there when the plane lands!"

She better not be the reason that I miss seeing my idol.

"What are the chances that you'll even see her? Doesn't she have, like, a bodyguard or something?"

I roll my eyes, directing my gaze out the window, not bothering to respond.

I scramble through the airport, dodging pedestrians and occasionally elbowing a couple of people. According to some person on Twitter, Demi will be exiting her plane at gate 117. Losing my mom somewhere in the sea of bodies, I locate gate 117 with the help of signs and excited 'Lovatics'. My cell phone chimes as I push through the squealing, chatting, and crying cluster of girls. Releasing a breath when I manage to reach the front of the group, I check my phone, grinning when I realize that both Demi and my other idol, Lady Gaga, tweeted.

'Look who I met on the plane!!! Totally fangirling @ladygaga' Demi tweeted, followed by a picture of her and Gaga smiling at the camera with arms slung over each other's shoulder.

I squeal, save the photo to my gallery, then open Lady Gaga's tweet.

'Just met one of the strongest, most inspirational people on the plane @ddlovato'.

I lift my gaze from my phone when the screaming starts. Tears are already blurring my vision. Then, I see both of them. Demi grins at us.

"Look who I found on the plane, 'Lovatics'!"

The screaming intensifies. The tears are freely rolling down my cheeks now. Demi and Gaga both sign autographs and take pictures. My breathing hitches as they grow nearer. Demi signs a copy of Staying Strong: 365 days a year that a girl beside me brought. When she looks at me with her signature, beaming grin, the screaming of my fellow fandom family is nothing more but a distant buzzing.

"Hi," she chirps.

I idiotically open and close my mouth several times, unable to form a coherant sentence.

"You saved my life," I blurt out. "Both of you did," I add, eyeing Lady Gaga. "And-and both of you mean so much to me."

"Aw! Thank you, sweetie, but we didn't save you," Demi says. "You saved yourself."

"But you two made the road to recovery a lot easier," I protest with a smile.

"May I?" Lady Gaga wonders, gesturing towards my phone.

I giddily pass her my phone and giggle when she feigns a pout because the camera application isn't up.

"You mean you didn't have your camera ready for us?" Demi jokingly gasps.

"What can I say?" I shrug, opening my camera. "I'd make a horrible paparazzi," I can't wipe the grin from my face as I hand my phone back to Lady Gaga.

All three of us take several selfies, some more silly than others. My favorite one is where Demi snapped the picture with me in mid-laugh, her with her head cocked to the side and tongue sticking out for the camera, and Gaga rocking a peace sign.

"What's your name?" Demi wonders after we're done taking selfies.


"Stay strong, Jenna," she beams.


Much to my surprise, Lady Gaga freaking hugs me!

"Always remember that you're beautiful, Jenna," she whispers in my ear before releasing me.

I shyly nod. They both smile and wave before greeting the last few people.

"How was it meeting both of your idols?" My mother questions when we're back in the car.

"Perfect," I smile, scrolling through the selfies and uploading them onto Twitter.

"Did you get autographs?"

"Shoot!" I exclaim, mentally face-palming myself for being so stupid. "That totally slipped my mind!"

"At least you got a bunch of pictures."

"I guess," I sigh, locking my phone and tossing it back and forth between my hands.

Something odd on my phone case catches my eye. I gasp, clamping a hand over my mouth as even more tears spill over my eyelids.

"What's wrong?"

"They-they signed my phone case!" I cry.

Demi's signature is complete with the 'Lovatic' heart over the 'i', and Lady Gaga's signature is followed by a cute little smiley face.

"Best day ever," I mumble under my breath.

And certainly one I'll never forget.

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