Silent Admirers

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Why do we even try,

They'll never see us.

Or even know that we're there

Maybe it the hope in us,

That should have dried up years ago

Or its his smile and laugh, that never fade from your mind

But it's still there, calling faintly for us to keep believing

Even through all this pain.

There are some victories,

But not enough to convince

Our sensible mind

That it could happen, just maybe if we tried

What if it was the same for him

He thinks that we don't notice him at all

But we do,

We notice the joy in his eyes as he talks to her

And how he walks just a little bit faster to catch up to her

But he doesn't notice us

Not our glances in his direction

Nor the way his voice makes us feel

So we keep on hoping, wishing for the courage

To tell him and we keep praying and hoping

He feels the same way too

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