Chapter 2:Ammara kidnapped?! Raditz's ultimatum!

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Raditz's P.O.V.:

I landed on the beach in front of five inhabitants from this miserable planet. Among them, I noticed, was my little brother. "Ah! Just the person I'm looking for!" I said,smirking. "You've grown,but there's no mistaking that it's you...Kakarot." Kakarot looked at me,confused. "Kaka-what?" he replied. "You've got the wrong guy!" "You idiot! That's your NAME! The name we gave you BEFORE we sent you here!!!" "What're you TALKING ABOUT?!" Kakarot asked agrily. Strange, I thought. Why is Kakarot acting so STRANGE?! What could be wrong with him? I gasped. Unless-!!! "Tell me Kakarot...Did you ever hit your head?" I said, clenching my fists.

"What?" he replied. "Are you DEAF?!" I roared angrily. "I asked you if you've ever suffered any severe blows to the head when you were small?!" "Yeah...I DID, now that you mention it," Kakarot replied. "But I was very small, and I don't remember it! Still got the scar from it, too." I narrowed my eyes. ""Well that would explain why you FORGOT!!!" I said. "Forgot WHAT?! What are you TALKING about?!" Kakarot yelled. "And who ARE you, for that matter?!" I smirked. "Very well then," I said. "I didn't come here expecting to give a history lesson...But I'll tell you. You're from an alien warrior race called the Saiyans, the STRONGEST race in the UNIVERSE!!! You were sent here to conquer this planet and destroy its inhabitants! And I...Am your older brother, Raditz!!!" Everyone on the island, including Kakarot gasped. "Y...You're LYING!!!" Kakarot yelled angrily. "I can assure you that I'm NOT, little brother," I replied, smirking.

"Anyway, we Saiyans make a living by conquering distant planets and selling them to other aliens who are willing to pay a high enough price. We then rid the planet of its inhabitants so the new inhabitants can...settle in," I replied. "For the planets with inhabitants of high power levels, we send our adults and or strongest fighters. But for planets with insignificant power levels, such as this one, we send our infants." Then, Kakarot growled and narrowed his eyes. "ENOUGH!!!" he yelled. "I don't care if I'm and alien, if I have a weird name, or if you really ARE my brother!!! GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!" My eyes darted to the side and I gasped as I saw that my brother's tail was missing.

"Ka..! Kakarot!!!! Your TAIL!!!!" I said, my eyes wide. "Umm...Excuse me?" "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR TAIL?!" I asked angrily. "That? It got cut off a long time ago," Kakarot replied. "Y...You FOOL!!! No wonder you've been able to fit in so well with the SLIME on this planet!!!" I yelled angrily. Then, I watched as a boy that looked EXACTLY like Kakarot and that had a tail run up to him. "Daddy!!!" the boy exclaimed as he clung to his father's leg like a leech. "Gohan!" Kakarot said, trying to peel the boy off of his leg. Then, a girl with brown hair and silvery-blue eyes, ran up to Kakarot and peeled the boy off of his leg. "Gohan, NO!!!!" she yelled. She then proceeded to run to where she thought it was safe. My eyes widened as I saw that the girl had a tail, just like the boy did.

I smriked as I picked up where I left off. "And now, me and my partners happened across a planet that would fetch a fine price," I said. "But the inhabitants might be too powerful, even for the three of us to handle. Thank god I remembered YOU, my dear little brother! With the four of us, we should be able to clear out the inhabitants in about a day!!! Picture it, Kakarot!!! Picture the CARNAGE! Feel your Saiyan blood STIR!!!!" Kakarot shook his head defiantly. "I WON'T!!! I'd rather DIE than join a gang of ruthless space pirates like YOU!!!!" "Fine then," I said. Then, my gaze shifted to the two children huddled by the small shack. "Tell me,Kakarot..." I said, glaring at them maliciously. "Are these YOUR children?!"

I took a step toward them, and the boy clung to the girl's leg and she hovered over him protectively. "N...No!!!" Kakarot lied. I smirked. "Don't lie to me, Kakarot!!!" I said. "I MIGHT believe that about the GIRL, seeing as she bears absolutely NO RESEMBLENCE to you, but I know for a fact that the BOY belongs to YOU!!!" I took another step toward the children. The boy whimpered and the girl took a fighting stance,eager to protect him. "And since YOU refuse to help me, I suppose that my tender young nephew will make due in your place!!!" I said. I walked up to Kakarot's boy, and he got in my way. With a swift kick, I hit Kakarot in his stomach, causing him to instantly keel over.

"Goku!!!!" the three Earthlings yelled,rushing to his aid. "DADDY!!!!" my nephew yelled. "Gohan,NO!!!" the girl yelled, running after him. I smriked. Just the opening I was looking for!!! I thought as I walked up to my nephew. Just when I'd gotten close enough, the girl jumped int front of him. "That's as far as you go!!!" she yelled. "Take one more step, and you'll be SORRY!!!!" I laughed evilly as I folded my arms over my chest. "Don't make me LAUGH, girl! Stand aside!" "No!" she yelled defiantly. "I WON'T move!!!! And I won't hesitate to HURT you in order to save Gohan!!!" I chuckled. This girl had a lot of GUTS!  "True," I said. "But would you be able to KILL me?!" "If it means saving my friends, then yes," the girl replied. Then, the girl landed a powerful punch to my face,causing me to tumble backward.

I was shocked. How could a KID, a mere GIRL for that matter, hit me THAT hard?! Then, I remembered that she had a tail. Of course! I thought. The girl's a SAIYAN!!! The girl punched me again, in my stomach this time,and I immediately keeled over. The girl flew up to me and put her hands on her hips. "Get up! I KNOW this isn't your BEST!!! GET UP AND FIGHT!!!" she yelled. I looked up at her and smirked. "If you say so," I said as I teleported. "Huh?! Where'd he go?!" the girl said, turning her head from side to side. I reappeared behind her and knocked her out with a swift chop to the back of her neck.

Kakarot, who with the help of his Earthling friends had gotten back up at this point, looked at me, his eyes narrowed. "G...Give MONSTER!!!" he exclaimed angrily. "G...Give her BACK!!!!" I laughed as I tucked Ammara under my arm. "Oh don't worry, Kakarot! She's quite safe with ME!" Kakarot lunged at me, then winced. I laughed again. "Look at you!!! You can barely STAND!!!" I said, smriking. "How pathetic!!!" Kakarot growled and I slowly turned my back. "Wh...What're you...gonna do...with her?!" he asked. I smirked. "That's really NOT your business, brother!" I said. "But if you MUST know, I'm taking her to my partners. And if you want her to remain ALIVE, I'd strongly suggest that you remain HERE!!! If you don't, I'll kill the girl before you can even find us!!!" I exclaimed. With those words said, I ascended and headed for my spaceship.

To be continued..!

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