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"What if I open up to the wrong person?...again"

"Mistakes are meant to happen their ok you just learn from them
And get stronger" =)

Damian's pov:
Should I tell her or no..I guess I'll just tell her i looked deep in to her brown glowing eyes I took a deep breath and sighed heavily I'm scared to tell her but here it goes...

"Do you promise you won't tell no one but,I mean no one?!,"

"Promise me.."

"I promise but please just tell me already tell meeeeee,"


"That girl she's my ex I thought..I wouldn't see her anymore and I don't want to see her I hate that piece of shit I wish we have just stayed as strangers anyways it was after school and I went to go look for her because I needed something that she had that was mine It took a while to look for her but I had finally spotted her and she was talking with a guy I didn't know who he was I walked up to them and while I was walking up to them I saw her kissing with the guy and she even made out with the guy and I asked her wtf are you doing and all she said was replacing you and she didn't care she kept kissing him in front of me and so after that mess we had arguments and arguments and we Broke up she had already cheated on me many times and I can't believe I put with that bs"

Yasmin's pov:
Should I hug him or nahhh omfggggg what do I do I mean this poor crusty potato I feel bad for him...I'm just going to hug him...WAITTTT!!why should I feel bad for him if he has been a asshole to me -.-.

You know what just go for the hug just go for it this is going to be awkward but ehh.

I decided I should hug him it's just a hug theirs nothing wrong with it or is Their something wrong with it...nahhh

"'s a hug I hope you don't mind..."

"Uhhh...," uhh was all I heard from him while I hugged him I guess he really Dosent like hugs or something I don't know but ehhh it seemed like he wanted to hug me back but he seemed scared to do it or something I don't bite

Leo's pov:
I've been looking for yasmin for the last couple hours where the heck could she have gone she's going to be late for her next class
I finally found her she's with a boy and what's she doing with that boy who's that guy I slowly started walking up to them and I saw them hugging...HUGGING!

"I'm sorry to bother but,yasmin we have to go your going to be late again,"

"I don't care Their not even going to do anything they don't care if we're late," I started helping her with the stuff she had and I helped her get up

"Thanks I guess..,"

"Now lets gooooo,"

"Hold on let me tell Damian something,"

"Ok I guess," this freaking Damian guy is starting to get in the way I need to get rid of him or do something to him he can't have my best fiend he can't steal her away from me

Damian's pov:
Who the hell is this oh it's her "boyfriend"

"Hey da-," I had cut her off before she said anything lover boy over Their is already getting jelly and And shit

"You don't have to say anything you should go over Their with your boyfriend he's waiting for you and he sure seems inpatient so bye," I walked away before she could say anything else and I decided to head to my class 5th period wich is science ehh science isn't that bad I had entered the classroom and everyone started staring at me what was the creepiest and weird thing was that a freaking Oompa Loompa was staring at me the whole time she was making all her disgusting googaly eyes at me-_-can that Oompa Loompa just stop staring at me!

"Are you the new student here?," I heard a voice coming from behind me and I turned around to see who it was and I guess it was the teacher please please don't make me introduce myself

"Yeah I'm the new student here,"

"Would you please introduce yourself," really why the hell do I have to introduce myself they s be just now me as the new kid and that's all they don't need my name name shit but I guess I have to introduce myself😒

"My names Damian that's all you need to know about me now bye and oh by the way don't you dare come and sit by me talk to me or disturb me ok and especially when I'm sleeping you better not come over here or I'll explode on you ok bye,"

"Uhh thank you Damian..,"

"Yeah sure whatever," I started making my way to the desk that was at the back the good thing is that no one was back Their and sitting over Their and I decided to take a nap during this class I can catch up later I'm tired I need some sleep...

Yasmin's pov:
That fucking crusty ass potato just cut me off really and all he did was leave me Their And why the fuck did he call Leo my boyfriend he's not my boyfriend he's my best friend ughhh.

"Hey yas-,"
I had cut him off and started dragging him by the collar of his shirt and started heading to class

"Just shut up don't say anything Let's just go to class already I don't got time for your shit right now,"

"Ok sheez woman why's wrong with you,"

"Fuck off,"

----5 minutes later-----

Were finally here oh my day just keeps getting better and better crusty potato is here😒and sleeping that's good but we have to sit in front of him ughh I wish he sat somewhere else I got my notebook and a pencil and started writing down the notes.

Damian's pov:
I slowly started waking up and I noticed someone sitting in front of me it's her and that piece of shit-_- I really hate that guy

I started hearing the piece of shit whispering something to here...

HE ASKED HER OUT WTFFFF WTFFF NOOOO I started choking on my own saliva and I saw her turn around and look
at me and she started laughing and smiling at me awww how cute...her smile...:)
Her smile was contagious in that very second she smiled she had me smiling

"Hey d are you ok," she asked me whine laughing at me and gave me a bottle of water I guess it was hers

"No don't it's ok," she refused and kept shoving the water in my face and started wiggling the water around my face and I just started laughing and smiling at her and I took the water bottle from
Her and thanked her but I'm still worrying about what she's going to say is she going to say yes... or no wait why should I care I don't like her I don't have feelings for her but..I don't know I'm just confused right now...

I heard the shit face ask her the same question again she was kinda hesitating but she said...yes...

Why did you say yes... I decided to leave the classroom why bother to be Their I had gotten up from my desk and grabbed all my things and I walked out of the classroom and I started heading to the restrooms why the fuck did you say yes why??you like him right you love him right...why do I care all of a sudden am I having feeling for

Yasmin's pov:
I saw Damian leave the classroom upset but it because of what Leo said did he hear it.. but he Dosent like me though..or does he.. I saw amber walking out of the classroom I wonder where that snake is going I was just about to leave the classroom until Leo stoped me and sat me back down at my desk.

"Stay here,"


"Just stay here everything is ok and plus your going to miss your notes and stuff everything will be ok,"

"I guess," I started to get lost in my thoughts while writing down my notes what if Damian left because of what Leo said and what I responded to him does he love me or like me... i don't know

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