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Liam: hey there! You home???

Meredith: of course! So hot outside!!!(((((

Liam: dad's home?

Meredith: Nope. Work.

Liam: I'm coming

Meredith: excuse me, what ?

Meredith: hey, Liam!

Meredith: dude...

Just in 5 minutes I heard a nonstoppable melody of my bell. Guess who? I opened the door and saw Liam with two bags filled with food.

- ehm... May I come in?

- yes, Liam, but why did you bring the food?

- we will cook.

I knew that there is going to be no "us" in kitchen. Only Liam and me. Seriously.

While cooking pancakes, Liam dropped one on the chandelier, the other one fell on the floor. The same way he cooked pizza. I took it upon Liam.

After eating, we decided to watch the film "Swindle ". Even though Liam asked me to watch it, he really didn't let me watch it till the end, because of throwing popcorn or chewing gum so loud that I wanted beat him so hard.

- let's take selfies?- said he

- ok!

We were such fools taking lots of stupid pictures. There was one normal which is my favourite!

 There was one normal which is my favourite!

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(Photoshop by Anabella_Evans ❤️️ )

- are you serious, Louis? Right now? - sadly Liam had to go. I knew that, but it was ok.

- Liam, it's really okay! Thanks for great day and amazing mood, - we had a short kiss, after he went to studio.

It was a lovely day spent together and still one of my favourites!

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