✭Thirty two✭

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Photoshop by Anabella_Evans

Two days later
From Meredith

Today we have an interview for MTV channel. Personally, I'm really worried even though Liam told me million times not to.

Interviewer: so, we have a lot of questions from fans and here's the first one: how did you meet?

Me and Liam looked at each other smiling. Then, he said:

Liam: well, it was kinda strange. She called to another person but suddenly there was like the wrong number...

In: oh, can you please explain?

Meredith: well, I had a new phone and a SIM card back then. I need to call to my uncle but I couldn't remember his number. I typed a random number and Liam answered.

I looked at Liam with a strange glance kinda saying that " couldn't you explain normally???!!!"

In: ok, so, Meredith, what was your reaction when you realised that Liam is popular and is a part of One Direction?

Me: well, actually, I did not freak out at all. The reaction was normal. Just, you know, I wasn't directioner at all. I have just saw some music videos on T.V. ...

In: Liam, how did you feel about Meredith? I mean, she's neither star or a singer... She's just a simple girl.

Liam: I ask this question myself a lot and the answer is: I don't know why. I don't know how... it's just her messages made me chat more and more. She is so attractive.

After his words I have totally forgot where I was. I was smiling like a fool. Seriously. Now, I associate myself with the magnet... Great!

In: well, so, two months ago there was a quick chat in Twitter. Liam, can you explain why did you ask Meredith to follow you?

I stared at him. I really needed to know why? too.

Liam: well, is that normal when your friend follows you and you just kinda ignore him? After all, I think there must be a follow back!

In: Meredith, what about you? Did you know that back then Liam was dating Sophia?

I freezed. I didn't expect that question. In fact, I really don't want to here about Sophia. I become really jealous.

Me: it was alright. We were just friends.

In: there're leading world hashtags in Twitter: #IhateMeriam and also #IloveMeriam. What is your opinion on haters and lovers?

Liam: I don't like to judge people for their opinion. Still, I love haters and lovers. I love everything and everyone in this world.

In: you love me too?

Liam: of course!

I pushed him slightly on the left side.

In: haha, so, let's play a game. I ask you something and you have to reply as you say it to Meredith or to Liam. Let's start.

-ok... - said Liam.

In: so, Liam, how would you drive Meredith at sex?

"What? Oh, come on!" I laughed but was really nervous. My cheeks became slightly red.

Liam: I love you so much but I don't want to hurt you so let's do it mentally...

In: and then, there's a slap from Meredith.

Everyone laughed.

In: what about you, Meredith?

Me: depends on situation. Still, I bet, it'll be too hot.

Liam: oh, then, I'm afraid, we won't stand up to it...

Everyone laughs so hard.

In: the next question: you found drugs in your son's room. Your reaction.

Liam: how could you do this? Have you thought about me, your mother? No? What? Oh, sorry lad, that was too rude. Just take this back. Sorry for taking your stuff.

Me: I'd put either son or dad in the corner.

Seems like we're "super parents ", lol. Who wants to be our child???

In: the last question: how would you prepare your child to school?

Liam: are you ready? Ok, then, take your bag and let's go to have breakfast. Oh, you don't want to breakfast? Of course we can't do it. I'll buy something for you in cafe.

Me: are you ready honey? Well, let's have a breakfast. You need to eat something healthy to be strong or everyone will make fun of you. Be good boy, get good marks and I love you.

In: ok, it was really fun interview. Thanks guys. See you!

So, the show is finished and we went out of the building. We were really exhausted.

- Meredith, kiss me, - suddenly said Liam.

- w-what?! Liam, get out of me! We aren't officially-

Then, he touched my lips with his... Yup, it was really good. I mean, I liked it...

Hey, that's not my fault. It's all Liam!

Heyyyy! I tried to make this chapter as funny as it is in fact. Hope, you've enjoyed it. Well, and as I promised, here is a little passion. Oh, in addition to this, the author (me) had a crazy mood while writing it...

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