Chapter 1/1

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Keith Kogane isn't your average teen boy. With his purple eyes, ebony mullet and his eating disorder,but that's a story for another time. He also lacks in the friend's department. In fact, he's only ever had one friend, if you could call it that. His name was Shiro.

They met over the summer. Keith had been admitted to eating disorder facility by his Aunt. No matter how much Keith protest claiming he would go Insane having to hear all the same "How unhealthy he is" lecture repeated until hours on end. Arriving however took him by surprised. His eyes immediately roaming to a handsome Asian man. The man was tall and well muscled. It appeared he had eyeliner on.  He seemed so collected and calm. He grew flustered realizing he was gawking.

Unfortunately for Keith this beautiful stranger was assigned to be his mentor. Keith wanted to throw up when he found out that night by the cafeteria. Nervous to be working with such a new attractive person. No Keith didn't brush his hair or specifically pick out close that "flattered" him. He didn't he swears.

There was a soft knock at his dorm door. Keith made sure he looked decent before speed walking to door. He opened the door breath short. It would be an understatement to describe what Keith saw in that moment. Dubbed "handsome stranger" was staring at Keith with a fond smile, hands tucked into pockets. Keith felt his stomach twist.

"Hello I'm Tashaki Shirogane, but please call me Shiro, I'll be you're mentor." He said while holding out a hand.

Am I breathing? Keith thought.

He gladly took his hand shaking it gently. Shiro looked at Keith's hand for a while before letting go. He seemed uncomfortable. Keith's cheeks reddened with embarrassment or irritation, his hands were so small and scrawny compared to Shiro's due to the lack of protein he consumes.

"You're name?" Shiro said still smiling.

How could he still be smiling after he just insulted Keith with his beautiful eyes.

"Keith." he said spitefully. Shirt flinched at the sudden tone which took Keith by surprised.
Shiro looked taken aback. Uncomfortable silence grew between them. Shiro coughed to break it.

The days proceeded to grow less awkward as they grew to know each other. Shiro has to do mental "exercises" with Keith.  He also had to make sure Keith would eat everyday. Other mentors were making there patients eat full meals. Keith couldn't eat full meals as much as he tried. Shiro had noticed so he comforted him telling him he would start slow. Keith was grateful.
"Patience yields focus." The older said while reading a paper about Keith's eating habits.
He made sure Keith was fed at least a vegetable with a glass of water everyday. Shiro's choice of vegetable was pea's.

"What's so special about pea's?" Keith had laughed for the first time since he got there.
"Hey don't bully my favorite vegetable, besides pea's can be eaten in many ways each giving you protein." Shiro said flashing a toothy smile.

Keith blushed "you're very educated in pea's" he said while grinning. He picked up the pea examining the veggie before plopping it in his mouth. 
Keith may have not seen it but Shiro looked at him fondly while he did that.

The other patients were either going at very slow or average paces with there treatments. Keith's however was going exceedingly well and fast. Maybe it was Shiro, he would like to think that's not the case , or the fact that Shiro would go at his pace but remind Keith of his aunt, which whom he lived with after his parents died. Shiro never pushed on the family subject thankfully.

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