Chapter 1/2

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August 1st
Keith tossed and turned in his sheets uncomfortably. His stomach churned uneasily. Not knowing if it was from nerves or the lack of dinner. Either way he decided to get up to get a glass of water. He swayed in his baggy pajamas restless. He had checked the clock on the stove the way back. It read 2:45. He signed, praying to the gods that at least an ounce of sleep would come tonight.
He was awoken by a bright gray streak hitting his eyes. His mood very slightly shifted thanks to the weather. Yes call him basic but he adores dark, cold weather. His blanket felt great against his cold skin. His skin is always cold unfortunately. His eyelids grew heavy before he heard a familiar voice at his door.

"Sweety, wake up please, breakfast is on the table and I don't want you to be late for school." Keith's aunt said softly.

Keith could never backtalk his aunt like that. She is the one person who can keep his life together. Except for maybe that one month he wishes he could forget because it still makes his heart ache. He flinches internally before making his way to his wardrobe. He decides on a new shirt he got over the summer. A basic black tee with a rose patch over the heart. The roses were covered in thorns. He thought it was totally appropriate for his aesthetic at the time. He found simple black ripped skinny jeans to complete he outfit. Remembering how he would get teased for wearing "girl jeans" in eighth grade.

Keith stares into the mirror eyes stinging while a strange feeling brews within him. Leaving Shiro kept Keith determined, strong willed to beat his anorexia. That all changed when he was out with his aunt to pick up his prescription to help with the nausea after eating. He stared at the pills in disgust. He realized he wasn't himself anymore. He started gaining weight, fat. He was disgusting. He ruined his body for what? A boy he would never see again. Keith threw the pills the pharmacist handed to him in rage. Regretting everything.

From then on his aunt noticed he started going back to his old eating habits. She never knew the reason for Keith's outburst but she never questioned it either. She made him eat a fruit a vegetable every day if it was he least she could do. Keith refused to eat pea's

Keith groaned partly in response to feeling awfully tired from his lack of sleep. The other half due to the idea of school. Keith grew to hate every aspect of his body since the pill incident. Even going to the extreme getting a haircut. When his aunt took him to the stylist they suggested a "kpop" style. Keith had never heard of kpop even if he was Korean. No doubt after the much needed haircut girls would notice him. Giggling walking past him while he was out with his aunt.

If it weren't for his aunt he would stay inside and mope all day. What better plans could a teenager have?


Keith met his aunt downstairs in the dining area. They had a small quaint house that was covered in flowers n leaves. Keith appreciates the vibe his aunt produces.

"You look adorable Keith." She said while gesturing to the table for him to take a seat.

"Thanks, Auntie." He replied while sitting down.

She placed a plate full of breakfast in front of him. He looked in false delight. If I eat my stomach will bulge. I'll go to school bloated. Keith thought worriedly. Keith's shirt wasn't as baggy as he liked his shirts so it would be an even bigger problem to be budging at the seems. No thanks he would already be getting enough stares for his new look. He pretended not to notice his aunt throwing him side glances as he picked up his fork. He hated when his aunt worried about him. He picked at his eggs and pancakes. His face grew hot with frustration,embarrassment, shame? He didn't know nor care.

"Sorry, Auntie it's the nerves." He said truthfully. His aunt sighed. He checked the time. It was twenty till eight. He needed to get going soon.

"Auntie we should uh - get going." He suggested. But paused slowly as he saw her pull out a tiny box colored purple.

"It's about time I gave this to you." His aunt said handing the box into Keith's fragile hands.

The box was heavy. Way heavier then he expected.
Keith opened it almost scared as if a jack in the box would pop out. Once the top was off he realized what was inside.

A black and purple watch?

The watch looked so fancy. Worth thousands at that.

"It was you're moms. They found it in her apartment before her disappearance." His aunt said very calmly.

Keith couldn't reply.


Sliding his seat belt on his aunt joined him in the driver seat. She was now carrying a red apple.

"For you." She said. Keith smiled at her.


The blue buggy pulled into VLD High. Students buzzed around. With the excitement of being a freshman. Seeing friends. Both of which Keith couldn't relate to. He looked at the crowds. He saw both familiar and unfamiliar faces. His stomach knotted. He couldn't tell if it was from the lack of breakfast or the crowds outside the school. His aunt finally found a parking spot. This was definitely gonna be an experience. He just prays people won't notice his change in the looks department.

His aunt turned to him. Touching, fluffing his hair. Smoothing shirt. She lastly adjust the watch Keith had added to his outfit distantly. When she was done she looked up at him with watery eyes. Keith looked back, did he already mention he hates seeing his aunt worry about him?

"Please, Keith stay safe." She said sweetly, "Make new friends."

Yikes," new?" As if he had any, to begin with. He nodded.

"I will auntie don't worry about me, I'm fine," Keith said reassuring his aunt. Hell, Maybe even himself. They embraced in a warm hug. He unbuckled himself from the seat belt. Gathering his belongings with as much strength as he could gather. Next thing he knows the doors open. His feet are on the pavement.

"Wow." He said out loud. The weather was just as gloomy as he felt. Gray clouds like smoke covered the sky. That made him smiled. He loved this weather even if it was summer. It Oregon what did he expect? This was a huge difference from when he lived in Texas. He turned to say goodbye.

"Keith! You almost forgot." She protested, handing him the red apple from before. Oh yeah. He had hoped his aunt would "forget" about the apple just as he "had".

"Thanks, Auntie." He said for about the fifth time today. She nodded starting up the buggy and pulling out. They waved each other goodbye. When he finally saw the last glimpse of the blue he headed towards the front gates. The crowds had died down a little. But his stomach increased in flips.

He started walking faster as he felt eyes drifting towards him. He might not have shown it on his face but he was growing more anxious by the Minute. He just needed to find his classroom. He hurried even faster. It felt like people were burning stares into his skull. Then the whispers started. Girls giggling.

He was almost into the actual campus when a big buff kid called out to him. Great a new bully? He already had to deal with that in eighth grade. He looked down. Twisting his watch. Almost chaffing his skinny wrist. 

"Hey!kid wait-" he was cut off as Keith felt something, more like someone bump into him furiously. His head throbbed. He stumbled falling onto the ground from the sudden impact. His backpack luckily breaking his fall. His butt aching from the harsh concrete. He would have gotten up if it weren't for the distortion of his vision. All the crowds were looking. The crowds looked like they doubled. He felt his cheeks grow hot with embarrassment. I swear to God whoever just rammed into me he thought harshly. He looked around to find the culprit.

His vision finally came into focus. Sitting on the opposite side of him was a small boy....girl?

Hey bro's, it's the author here. So here's another chapter :) the first few chapters are to get the plot going. Then we'll get to the juicy stuff later on ;). I wrote this when I was feeling down so yeah, Channeling my inner emo Keith.

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