chapter 2: 'Nakama' (friends)

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the next morning I woke up, dressed in my uniform, ate my breakfast, made my bento. I usually make a lot of lunches but then I just give the leftovers to the cats or my ototo (little brother). I usually don't bond or do much with ototo cause sometimes we fight and all that. I left the house and went to school. Sometimes there are dangerous people so I always bring a machete and that to protect myself. When I arrived at school....

Yukera: *sees Reiko* OHAYOOO REI-CHAN! *smiles*

me: *sees him* morning.... don't call me that hmph

Yukera: too bad that's what I'm calling you from now on ^_^

me: *sighs* fine whatever

Yukera: hahas you're so early today why?

me: because I have a stupid ototo who wont wake up *tch* he's a pain in the ass

Yukera: you know I have a little brother too but even though he's annoying I still love him you should get along with your little brother

me: .......we don't talk though

Yukera: then make your move and let him see that you care

me: but.....*sad* I don't know how though

Yukera: hmmm hey from now on try to treat me like a little brother

me: how's that gonna work?

yukera: you'll see *smiles and pat Reiko's head*

me: hey dont do that *little grumpy face*

Yukera: you look cute

me: dont say that >:(

I was thinking a lot when he wanted me to treat him like a ototo, it was hard cause I rarely talk to my ototo or even spend time with mine so it was hard.

it was lunch time.

me: what do you want me to do again? -_-

yukera: Since you don't know how to get along with your ototo, I'm gonna help you learn ^_^, by the way we have a maths test coming up so lets study together.

me: W-WHAT?! (isn't that called study date?!) we're not freaking couples!

yukera: Hmmm? what are you talking about? isn't studying with ototo is normal? plus study date and studying together is different just because I'm a boy and you're a girl doesn't mean you go sexist and think it's a study date young lady.

me: *goes tsundere* f-fine I'm only doing this cause of the test

Yukera: annnnnndd?

me: *sighs* and learning how to get along with ototo

Yukera: gud lets go to the library hahas it's a nice peaceful place to study.

I was surprised that he would help me and that but yeah I dont want to fall in love and get hurt , played and judged again. As we went in the library this girl came out of no where.

Girl: YUKERA-SANNNNNN! oooh is that your girlfriend?! *gaqsps* you know we're still newbies what the helllll?! love has corrupted you to fall in love or is it love at first sight oooohhh too much too much this is like 5% similar to golden time or something Tada Banri falls in love with Kaga and doesn't even know her that much yet ends up dating.

Me: ummm he's not my boyfriend and Golden time Kaga and Tada started dating in episode 7 and they started knowing stuff about each other and that cause they have some common interest I think.

Girl: *big gasp* YOU KNOW GOLDEN TIME OMG! *ahem you are automatically my nakama (friend) oh whoops I forgot to introduce myself hmmmm! konichiwa watashi wa Camile Haruko desu! (hi my name is Camile Haruko)

Me: oh konichiwa (hello) my name is Reiko Ana nice to meet y-

Camile:*hugs* I HAVE ANOTHER FRIEND NOW HAHAAS! oh can I call you Reiko-Chan?

me: oh ummm sure I guess since he's been calling my first name as well

Camile: do you have other friends as well nya~

me: ......................sorry I dont have friends

camile: *gasp* hmmmmm dont worry this is a fresh new start for you okay?

Yukera: alright Camile that's enough we have a maths test coming up so we're gonna study together

camile: ahhhhh okay hehe

we went to a quiet table to study and yeah I said something

me: *sighs* you know....meeting Camile and looking at her personality reminds me of me when I was in primary.....

Yukera: that you used to be cheerful and that?

me: reminds me of my past before all the 'love' and that.... I used to have friends, I was cheerful, happy just like her but *sobs* you know the reason why I dont have friends because I always feel like they'll stab my back....

Yukera: know seeing you sad now it affects others, even when you dont know them and I understand you have a bad memories in the past but like Camile said this will be a fresh new start.

me: mhm..*wipe tears and gives a little grin*

yukera: say do you want to stay lonely and have that gloomy face or do you want to share the cheerful old side of you to others?


yukera: you just seem a little cheery when you met Camile and thinking how you used to be her sounds like you want to be the old you again.

me: I-I'll think about it.....

yukera: you know you're really pretty and cute Rei-chan

me: *shocks and blushes* d-d-dont call me that!

yukera: hahas I'm calling you that from now on remember?

me: meanie *a little cute voice*

''so far I think Ai high is alright, like Yukera and Camile said...this is my fresh new start''

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