Chapter 3: Promises

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Chapter 3

Promises (Jason)

Jason's instincts told him to act as if he was asleep and so he did. Jason quickly placed his head on the door frame and shut his eyes. His heart pounded hoping that it would be Piper coming out to see him. He begged that it would be Piper.

The wooden creaked louder as he sensed a presence walking out, the footsteps very faint. Soon, a smell of sweet aroma filled his nose. Piper's smell. Jason's head screamed with excitement and he had to bit the inside of his mouth to stop himself from moving.

I can feel Piper staring at him and he was dying to open his eyes to see her. To his surprise, he felt a warm blanket draped over him, with the sweet smell of Piper. His mind yelled a triumphant YES but it didn't last song because he felt Piper shifting and moving about to go back into her cabin.

Without hesitating, Jason jumped to his feet and grabbed Piper's hand, pulling her back. His heart pounded and Piper swirled around with a dumbstrucked face. Her face changed in a heartbeat into an emotionless one. She struggled against Jason's grip and gave out a cry.

Jason tugged her to him and pressed her gaunt figure to his chest, also manage to shut the cabin door in the process. Piper squirmed and tried her best to escape from his embrace but to no avail.

"Piper, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." mumbled Jason, streaking Piper's hair. He kept repeating I'm sorry for a long long time. Piper had kept thrashing and was now, sobbing into Jason's chest. With her fist, she pounded repeatedly onto Jason and giving off a fustrated groan.

"Let go...let go" she croaked out weakly.

"No. Never" retorted Jason, his voice, firm and confident.

"I won't let you go....unless I die" Jason muttered and buried his face into Piper's dark hair. He closed his eyes and took in the smell of her hair which had send him into his dreamworld full of Piper. He hugged her tighter as if he was afraid she'll disappear into thin air.

At last, as if hesistantly, Piper wrapped her thin arms around him. He pulled back and stared at Piper's puffy red eyes and tear-stained face. Under the moon light she looked beautiful despite her puffy eyes.

With a bitter smile, he took hold her her face and dried her tears. With graitude, he leaned down and kissed her with passion. It's funny how his stomach flutters as his lips made contact with Piper's soft ones. He felt so content when he pulled back and hugged her once more.

Piper had another emotional outburst and it wrecked his heart. Does she really had to make everything so difficult?

"Don't cry. Piper please stop."Jason begged with sincerity. He couldn't stand to see her cry llike this, He swore he would never survive one more of Piper's cry without jumping into Tarturus and bury himself with guilt.

Piper sniffed and whimpered. "Stupid Jason. I hate you." she mumbled and anxiety welled in his chest.

"Do you really mean it?" he asked looking nervous.

Piper stared at him and her kaleidoscope eyes danced. "Well...I'm not sure" she replied, the corner of her mouth pulling into a sneer.

Jason frowned and his brows furrowed. "I'm serious Piper."

A soft chuckle escaped her lips which flooded into Jason's ears, like music. "No. I didn't mean it" she admitted, the playful smile still tugging at the corner of her perfect lips.

Jason yanked her into another embrace and sighed.

"Good because I would never want to hear it again. Promise me." Jason whispered into Piper's ear making sure she gets his message.

"Promise" she assured him. Piper soon distangled herself from Jason which kind of made him disappointed. Her eyes kept moving refuse to look into his. Piper's face flushed as she stuttered "I-I'm sorry. I was being an idiot getting mad so easily-"

"No" Jason cut her off quickly. "I'm the one who deserves the punishment. It was all my fault being so ignorant and all"

Piper gave him a yeah-you're-right look. Jason relaxed not even knowing his muscles were so tensed.

"Thank you for forgiving" said Jason but quickly looked unsure "uhhh sorry you never mentioned about forgiving me-"

"Jason of course I forgive you." Piper replied.

"I'll try being better from now on. It's just I'm not good with girls you know especially you. Whenever I'm near you, my stomach flutters and I'll start getting nervous." Jason confessed, taking his eyes to the ground all of a sudden.

"Me too" Piper said and he thought he saw her blush but maybe it was just his stupid imagination playing tricks again. He felt like a clown being a jerk and saying stupid things to the most perfect girl on Earth.

"Promise me Jason. Don't leave me." Piper blurted out of the blue. Her eyes were sincere and pleading.

"I-I can't survive without you. I n-need you in my life Jason. I never dared imagine how I would spend my life without you around." she stuttered.

He smiled feeling happy that Piper needs him as much as he needs her. Jason felt like the happiest man alive.

"I promise on the River of Styx." he pledged with joy.


Make a girl happy! Vote or somehow show suport. Thank you. I'll try updating soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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