3. sleepover at school

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Tori's point of view:
I turn around while hearing two familiar voices coming closer. Jade! And well Beck's there as well.
I wished it was only Jade. I don't like Beck that much 'cause of the fact that he's her boyfriend. She's supposed to be... oh well, wrong theme.
The bell rings and we stand up for our next class. With Sikowitz again... He's such a strange guy.
"Hello you little creepers.", our teacher says while climbing through the window in our classroom.
"We are not as creepy as you are.", Jade responded emotionless.
"So you're scared of me."
"I'm scared of nothing."
"And so am I.", Beck whispers in Jades ear. I'm only able to hear it, because I'm sitting right behind them.
"Whatever. Kids, there will be a sleepover at school this Wednesday."
"So I can decide if I want to travel to New York with you for a week."
"No, you don't want to."
"Jaaaaadeee...", the little red head next to us carps.
"Well, okay, let's do this strange... whatever it is."
"It's alright Cat, now shut up.", Rex mumbles. I think he says what Robbies too afraid to, but he pretends that he can't control him. Well,... you can believe it or not.
"So guys, it's up to you. Behave well and show me, that I won't die in that week."
"I can't promise.", Jade says and grins. She looks so damn cute but scary when she does this.
I have less than two days to prepare myself for the sleepover at school. Damn, this could be difficult. No one, not included me of course, knows why. 

Jade's point of view:
I don't like sleepovers. Why Sikowitz, why?! I'm really not exited about that. Beck will be there but nah... Even he is sometimes not enough. I hate when other people see my sleep or stuff. I just want to be alone at night and wright something down or sit down on our canopy and feel the wind on my face and around me naked legs. What if I talk in my sleep? No one ever said something like that but who knows... Maybe they're scared of my reaction. I don't care.
The only sleepovers I have are with Beck. Of course, he is my boyfriend.
Beck told me he would look for an empty classroom far away from the others. Maybe the library. Or room 34. It's an empty classroom hidden in the end of the building. On the side the sun goes up and it's dark early. There are no classes anymore. I like empty rooms. No one is there and you can be on your own. Just you and a few spiders or something like that.
Days go by.
Now it's Wednesday. My alarm rings and it's only safe because it's hiding in my pearphone. Such a lucky thing. Damn, I hate getting up so early. I'm trotting in the bathroom right next to my bedroom. I shower quickly and hurry a bit. I still have to pack my stuff for tonight. When Beck rings at my front door I just gotten ready a few minutes ago.
"Do you have my coffee?"
"Good morning beautiful and yes I have."
"Morning and thanks."
I love it when he calls me like that but I'll never admit. Never. I'm Jade West. Why should I admit something like that. Hell it would be embarrassing!
We get in Becks car and drive to school silently. The music is playing in the background.
"Let go of my soul
Let me up so I can breathe
Gotta find some kinda cover
From this hold you have on me
I'm gonna get right over you
Yeah, or I'm gonna die trying"
I know this song from a show called S&D&R&R. I love it. Somehow. It's a crazy show but it's pretty amazing as well. I love this kind of music. Rock'n'Roll. It's one of my favorites.
We arrive and see a few of our friends already stand on the left side of the parking lot. We get out of his car and walk over. I'm not really in that mood but what should I do? Let's say I'm doing this for Beck.
"YEYYY!! Jade and Beck are here!", yells the little red head. She rans to me and hugs me tight.
"3...2... don't let me get to 1!"
She quickly lets go of me. She's not angry about my reaction. She knows how I am and accepts it.
"Hey Jade."
I don't care about the others. Oh wait I don't even care about Vega, do I?
I don't know if I ever can be nice to her. I HATE this girl. Maybe because I'm nothing and she is everything? I don't know. And I really don't care. Okayyy... maybe I do. Even if I don't want to. She is so pretty, has a good voice, her acting is adorable, everyone likes her. But Mr. Meshad. He hates everybody. No wonder he's not married. Never mind. All just strange people.
The day goes by and it's now about 5 pm.
Beck grabs my arm and pulls me into a classroom.
"WHAT??", I yelled at him.
He ignores and starts talking about Vega...
"You'll be nice today and also tonight! Even to Tori. You like her and you know that. Just go and talk to her. Alright? And try not to make her upset while improv acting."
"Fine... If you want me to."
We go back to the others and start talking. I stand next to Ve... Tori and smile at her. She smiles back unsure if I just wanna be friendly or prank her in the next few minutes. This time I won't hurt her. Not physically and not mentally. I must have spaced out because she looks at me funny and waves with her hand in front of my face.
"Did you say something?"
"We were talking about tonight. Where we are gonna stay and what we should to. I think we won't sleep that much. What do you think?"
"Uhm... yes, we can maybe play games."
"You HATE playing games. Are you okay?"
"No, I kinda like some of them. And yes, I'm totally fine."
"Great." She seems irritated.
"We can meet in the library. No one is going to be there.", I suggest.
"Yes, you're right.", Beck agrees.
Let's find a place to sleep first. We all nod and went in different directions.
Back and I are walking to the old part of the building and Tori, Robbie (with Rex), Andre and Cat to the newer.
I open the door to room 34 and throw my bag in a corner.
"I'm gonna sleep over there."
Beck nods and his bag lands next to mine.
"I'm gonna sleep next to you."
"'Cause I'm your boyfriend and wanna be by your side."
"Alright, that counts."
He troughs a triumphantly look at me. I have to grin at him. I love when he does that.

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