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A/N: This used to be a Jin one-shot - 'used to be' because my head wouldn't stop producing ideas for this story, so it ended up being the way it is now. I apologise in advance that this story seems to have more flashback than main story. I didn't like the idea of writing it like authors usually do it - you know, start writing it normally and then time skip after time skip. I liked the idea of a huge flashback more. I'm sorry.

The clock read 9 o'clock on an ordinary Saturday morning. I woke up to the sound of my children laughing. They're probably down in the living room playing games or watching TV. I rolled my body on my left side and buried my face deep in the pillows while smiling to myself.

I lifted my head and noticed my husband wasn't lying next to me. I slowly let my eyes wander through our bedroom but he was nowhere to be seen. Hm. Not an as ordinary Saturday morning as I thought it would be. If he wakes up before I do, he usually watches me sleeping until I wake up, whispers 'Good morning, beautiful.' and gives me a good-morning-kiss.

I sat up and stretched my arms up in the air while yawning. I smiled with my eyes closed. I felt the warmth of the sunbeams tickle my cheeks and the tip of my nose. If the weather keeps being like this and I spend much time in the sun my freckles will start to show... But whatever, I thought. The people I care most about say they're cute on my face, so it's okay.

Must be a wonderful day to go swimming in the pool we built in our garden four years ago. Uh! I'll go ask the kids if they want barbecue for lunch or dinner. Today's a good day! I can feel it! My mind was coming up with so many ideas of what we could do all summer long.

I swung my legs over the edge of our king size bed and jumped up. Until now, I hadn't noticed I had fallen asleep in his t-shirt. It covered half of my thighs. I had always loved wearing his shirts - especially his oversized sweaters, which looked even bigger on me.

I decided not to get dressed and slowly made my way to the bathroom, which was across our room. When I looked into the mirror, I saw my messy hair. Well, at least my skin looked great, so that I wouldn't need to put on makeup. I took my hair brush and started straightening my light brown hair. During the process, I remembered how my life had become the way it was now. I married the most handsome man you would ever see in your life and we had three beautiful children. I loved my life. You could say it's totally perfect.

Flashback to 7 years ago

A/N: The rest of this book will mainly consist of this flashback. There probably won't be much about her (your) life, how it is now. At least I haven't planned doing that until now. But I might change my opinion. I'm not sure yet.
But it's planned to be the story of how her (your) life became this 'Perfect'. Not countless descriptions of what kind of perfect life she (you) has (have). If you don't like it then I have to disappoint you: Sorry, this story isn't for you.

It was a sunny day in the first days of April. I was sitting on the sofa when my mother shouted. "Lunch is ready!" I placed my book next to me to continue reading it, later. Only a few meters from me the sound of a door being shut was heard, it had to be the door of the office, which meant that my father was on his way to the kitchen. I hurried and sat down on my chair. My mother smiled at me warmly. "I made pizza for us." "Cool! Thanks, Eomma!" She nodded and walked back to the oven to get two more pieces of pizza for her and my father.

The next second my father entered the kitchen and I looked up from my plate. Our eyes met and he smiled. Then he moved his finger up to his lips and I knew he wanted to surprise my mum, so I made a movement with my hand as if I was closing a zipper on my mouth. I kept quiet and continued eating my piece of pizza, while observing every move my father made.

He tiptoed over to my mother and stood behind her, silently watching her every move over her shoulder. My father was a tall man, which made him look like a giant next to his wife. I was lost in my thoughts, until I heard a shriek, which appeared to come from my mother. It startled me. My head shot up. I smiled at the heavenly picture in front of my eyes: my father backhugged my mother tightly, his chin resting on her left shoulder, his head turned towards her face, kissing her cheek and my mother leaning her back against his chest, her eyes closed and the corners of her mouth crinkled up into a little, very satisfied, smile. When I'm older I want to be as happily married as my parents are, I thought to myself.

Two minutes later, my parents sat down on their seats across from me and started eating their pizza as well. Since we always eat pizza with our hands - and you only need one hand to eat pizza - my parents held hands while eating. They've been married for over 20 years now, yet they're still such lovebirds. It was silent in our kitchen. Not that this would've been a problem, I liked silence. But this silence was uncomfortable. Complete silence was unusual while we're eating. Usually we talked non-stop during breakfast, lunch and dinner... What was different today?

After five minutes, I saw my parents look at each other and nod slowly from my peripheral vision. I heard my father clear his throat and only seconds after he finally broke the silence. "Sweetie, we need to talk to you." My eyes widened and I lifted my head to look at my parents. Did I do something wrong? If I wasn't worried before, then now I started to worry. A lot. I was shaking. "Uhm..." I cleared my throat and looked down. I fiddled with my fingers in my lap. Why was I so nervous now? I didn't do anything. No need to worry. I assured myself. "Sure, Appa. What's the matter?" My father took a deep breath and looked at my mother. She nodded and held his hand in both her hands to encourage him.

"You're 19 years old now and your 20th birthday is in less than a month. You finished school and are going to a good university - which you will also finish in a few months already. But what about your life after that? Did you already think about that?" Oh god, please not again. He already did this a while ago. Not now, please. My day was so good... Until now.

"Appa, please don't start this. No, I haven't thought about it yet. I only know that I would like to have my own little café. If you want me to move out because I'm an adult once I finish university, you can just say it and I will look for a house then." My mother sighed. "Darling, we don't want you to leave us. But you should think about having a family too and not only money issues..."

I leaned back in my chair. So this is what they actually wanted to talk about. It's not about the job thing, I thought. Did they want to ruin my life or what? I crossed my arms and lifted my left eyebrow, looking at my parents, waiting for them to continue to talk. They couldn't make it worse anymore. I already knew what was about to come next anyway.

Well, that's what I thought until then. No one could've prepared me for the whole truth.

"What your mother wants to say is... We want you to get married." I laughed bitterly. But after two seconds my expression became cold again. "No." My answer was simple and clear. My father looked disappointed but he wouldn't give up this easily. "Look, sweetheart, I know you got hurt the last time you were with a bo-" "Appa, this isn't because I was heartbroken because of some cheating pabo. Me not wanting to get married in near future doesn't have anything to do with that!" I cut him off.

A/N: The flashback isn't over yet, as I already said in the other A/N!

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