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It took me a few days to completely accept that I wouldn't have a choice whether to accept my parents decision or not. But when I finally accepted this fact, I stood up to go talk to my parents. I stood in the doorway of our kitchen and leaned against it. I watched my parents washing the dishes from dinner together. After two minutes, I gained the confidence and cleared my throat.

"Eomma? Appa? I think I'm ready to meet them..." My mother's head spun around and she grinned at me. She ran up to me and pulled me into her embrace. "I'm so happy you finally came to your senses. You won't regret your decision. Eomma promises!" I gave her a sad smile. "Thank you for giving me time to think about all this and decide myself when to meet them." She smiled and tightened her grip around me. She kissed my cheek before letting go.

My mother sent a glare towards my father. He nodded and walked to his office to get his phone. I told my mother I would go back up to my room but as I walked past my father's office I couldn't resist the urge to know what's going on. Behind the closed door I could hear a muffled conversation. "Good evening, Mr Kim. Sorry for calling so late... No, it's just that we care about our daughter and her feelings and she asked for some time to prepare before our meeting... Yes, sure... Just tell us when and where... Saturday night is fine! Yes, of course I know that restaurant... Okay, see you there on Saturday at 5. Bye." I heard my father end the phone call and hurried up the stairs.

At the time I arrived at my room, my heart was beating fast and my breath was unsteady. I almost got caught! I knew I shouldn't have listened to my father's conversation but I was just too scared they might plan even more than they already had. Or talk about stuff he didn't inform me about yet.

I spent the rest of the evening on the sofa in my huge bedroom listening to music while reading my book. Around midnight I finally felt tired and decided to change into more comfortable clothes and brush my teeth. After I had finished my daily night routine in the bathroom, I tugged myself in my bedsheets and passed out immediately.

The next morning I woke up to my mother softly shaking my shoulder. When I opened my eyes, she was sitting next to my lying figure, smiling down at me. "Good morning, sleeping beauty! Come on, get up! It's almost lunchtime already!" I smiled, still a little tired. Did I really sleep almost 14 hours?! The clock read 1:52 in the afternoon. Well, I had been tired, sleep is good to recover. "I'll come down as soon as I'm ready. What's for lunch, Eomma?" "I made Japchae." "Sounds good. Give me 10 minutes to get dressed, please." My mother nodded, stood up and walked out my room.

A second later her pretty face appeared again in front of my eyes. She was leaning in close to my ear and asked "What do you think about going shopping after lunch? Just the two of us? We should buy some cute clothes for our meeting with the Kim's, don't you think?" I saw the smirk on her face but ignored it. I was more excited for a day spent with my mother than bothering about how she wanted me to look on Saturday night. "Yes! I would love to go shopping! We could have a nice girl's day together and get coffee or a massage at the spa to relax afterwards." She smiled, happy about my reaction, and left the room for the second time. I slowly got up, a wide grin showing on my face. We haven't been shopping for a long time. I really needed lots of new clothes.

I slowly got up and decided to wear something simple. I had seen that look on my mother's face before. If she planned on making me look special because of that meeting I would have to try on lots of expensive dresses. And it's easier to change your clothes this often if you simply wear jeans and a t-shirt. So that's what I kind of did: loose, light blue, washed out jeans and a white oversized t-shirt with the logo of my best friend's group's logo on it, which I tugged into the jeans a little. I wore my pink Converse High to that - not caring about the fact that I would probably have to try on many pairs of heels.

I walked over to my mirror and turned to look at myself. I smiled at the sight of my best friend's stage name printed on the back of my t-shirt - "Jackson". Not like I would have ever called him by his real name. No one did.

I fixed my hair, using only my hand to keep it messy and smiled at my reflection. I knew I didn't need to use makeup. I thought I looked pretty without it.

I quickly grabbed my Got7 backpack, threw some things I would maybe need on our trip into it and headed down the stairs.

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