Mystery Boy

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Stop it! Please don't do this! Take me instead but please don't hurt her!

The boy awoke from his slumber to the same voices filling his mind. He would always have the same nightmare every night about the terrible incident that had happened. He would never be able to make this right, no matter how hard he tried! He didn't care that it was his birthday, he had nothing to live for.


Elizabeth and her family had moved to Tokyo so her father could kept his business booming! She started a new school today and only knew one person there. A girl called Elaine had been her best friend for many years. When Elizabeth found out she was moving to Tokyo she immediately told Elaine. Elaine lived in Tokyo and couldn't be happier that she was finally going to meet her best friend. Elizabeth was able to convince her father to let her go to the school that Elaine was at. After a long talk he finally agreed.

She had been woken by her alarm beeping. It's my first day! And I'll finally get to meet my best friend! She thought. She changed into a long flowing purple dress that reached her knees. Elizabeth was too excited and couldn't eat breakfast. She skipped out of the house wondering if she would get bullied again. At her old school, Elizabeth was bullied for being an otaku but she didn't care, she wasn't going to change who she is so that she would fit in!

Elaine waited anxiously at the school gates thinking about her best friend! As she scanned the crowds one person caught her eye! She had long silver hair that covered one of her diamond coloured eyes and a purple dress on. She knew who it was. Elaine immediately ran up and gave her a big hug that made them fall over.

"Elizabeth I'm soo happy that I finally get to meet you!"

"Elaine? Is that really you?" The girls talked for a few minutes before deciding to enter the school. They went to go get Elizabeth's schedule and then Elaine was going to show her around the school. Once she was given her schedule they realised that they have the same class! Elaine showed Elizabeth around the school in 10 minutes flat!  The school's principal Drayfus wasn't really interested in his job and ignored his duties completely. He didn't care about the safety of the school and didn't even buy the right equipment. It was too small for a well known school.

The girls started to walk to their class. The teacher was Sir Helbram. Even though the school was rubbish, he was always kind to the students. Elaine took her seat at the back of the class and Elizabeth stood near the door waiting for instructions.

"Alright students, before we start I just want to announce that we have a new student with us today!" When he said this Elizabeth walked into the class. "This is Elizabeth,please sit next to Elaine" She did as she was instructed calmly but on the inside she was fangirling over the fact that she got to sit next to her best friend!

She was ever so happy but something didn't feel right. She had the feeling that someone, somewhere was watching her and not in a cute way. It almost felt sinister. But I just moved here! Nobody knows me! Such thoughts wander inside her head. Is someone watching me? If so, what do they want? Why am i special?

Elizabeth's POV:

My sister wasn't going to be back until 5 so I'm alone til then! Elaine has to meet her brother so I won't be able to stay with her. I know! I'll go to the nearby library and see if they have any manga that I could read! I'm a huge Otaku and that was one reason why i was bullied but I'm just going to be myself! Maybe I'll even find someone who has the same trait as me!

~time skip~

The end of school bell rang and I headed to the library. I knew where it was as my father allowed me to explore the town a few days before I started my new school. I got there and noticed that is was very empty apart from a few kids and staff members. It's quite a big library, but the best part is that it has a manga section! I walked over to find the area empty..... apart from one small boy. I look through the manga, pick a fairy tail one up, and go over to the strange boy. I poked him on the shoulder and he looked up, startled. This boy had blonde, messy hair and lovely emerald eyes. I wonder how old he is? He looks like he's 14!

"Excuse me, but would you mind if I stay here to read?" I asked. He looked at me like he didn't understand the question, but nodded none the less. It was a bit awkward since he hasn't talked. I looked at what he was reading and noticed that it was a fairy tail manga as well!

"Omg! Your reading fairy tail! That's my favourite by far!" He looked up and I saw that his eyes had lit up!

"Your an otaku aswell?" He asked like a whisper. I don't think it was because we were in a library either. It seemed like he didn't talk often.

"Yep and I'm proud of it! I've loved anime since I was a small child!"

"Heh,that's cute! I've been the same, I loved anime for as long as I can remember!"

"Oh! I'm Elizabeth! It's so nice to meet you!"

"It's nice too meet you too Elizabeth" he didn't tell me his name but we've only just met so I'm not going to force him to do that.
We talked about anime and manga for hours! But I had to get going.

"I'm sorry but I have to go! I hope that I see you again soon!"

"No worries! I'll be going soon anyway! Thanks for the company"

"W-will you be here tomorrow?"

"Hmm maybe I'm not too sure but either way I'm glad I met you!"

"Yeah same here! Well bye see you soon!" and I left to go back home before my sister got there.

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