They're alive?!

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Fraudrin's POV:

"Sir I have news!" My assistant, Vivian, skipped in.

"What is it now?" She can be so irritating.

"Your not going to like it" She teased

"Just tell me!" I was getting annoyed.

"I've heard a rumour that they are still alive" She smirked

"You don't mean...."

"Yep, the Ire twins are alive."

"But I'm certain they are dead!"

"Nope!" She strolled out laughing.

Just great! If the 10 commandments find out they are still alive, they will certainly get the positions open! I need to dispose of them as soon as possible!

"Sir what is your plan?" Vivian had reentered my office with a coffee. She put it on my desk and sat down.

"I need more wealth!"

"How about you marry into a wealthy family and then kill her! You'll get all the wealth then!"

"That's a good plan but who isn't apart of the commandments and is wealthy?"

"Well there are always the Liones"

"Who are they?"

"A family who turned down the open slot. The youngest daughter would be a perfect target"

"Vivian! Find me more information on her and the twins! We need to find them before they find me!"

The twins will be eliminated! Even if I have to kill them myself!

Elizabeth's POV:

I went to school as usual but instead of seeing Elaine I saw Zeldris. I walked over to him as I never see him there!

"Zeldris? What are you doing here?!"

"Elizabeth, I need to tell you something"


"Keep yourself safe, something isn't right, I think somebody is watching you, I'll keep an eye out but if you find anything suspicious,message me" he walked off and left me there. What was he on about? Why was he concerned about me?

For the whole day, I've been feeling someone staring at me. Was this the thing Zeldris was talking about?

The day passed by and I walked home. But I was too tired to cook. I decided to go the the chip shop before I went back. After I got my food, I walked out to see a familiar person at the nearby park. It was Meliodas! He was talking to someone who had black hair. He was about the same height as Meliodas but i couldn't see his face. He left Meliodas alone so i thought that it would be a good idea to ask him about that weird question last night.


"Elizabeth, what are you doing here?"

"Oh I was grabbing food, when I saw you over here, by the way who were you talking to?"

"Oh him? It was just a... friend."

"Okay? Anyway you doing anything now?"

"No why?"

"Would you like to come back to mine for a bit? We can watch Fairy Tail"

"Sure, let's go!"

We walked back to my house and put the food on the table. I set up the TV and put Fairy Tail on.

"Meliodas I wanted to ask you something"

"Sure, what is it?"

"It's about that question last night, why did you ask such a random question so late at night?" I could see that he tensed at the question.

"Oh I forgot to ask you, so I wanted to ask you about it... sorry if I woke you"

"No you didn't but let's enjoy this" we binge watched the anime but after a few hours I felt a small pressure on my shoulder. I looked over and saw that Meliodas was asleep on me! I giggled at his adorable face. I carefully leaned over him and grabbed the blanket. I put it over us and ended up falling asleep myself.

I woke up to see that it was 10am! I was lucky that it's a Saturday! I looked around but couldn't see Meliodas anywhere. That's when he walked in with two plates of food. Did he cook breakfast?

"Morning Elizabeth! I made breakfast!" He sat down next to me and gave me a plate.

"I'm not good at cooking so it will probably be disgusting" he laughed. I tasted it and it wasn't that bad.

"It's not that bad! I like it!"

"Heh, oh and sorry for falling asleep last night, I didn't mean to but I had a busy day"

"It's okay,it was fun actually we should do it again sometime!"

"It was actually very fun! So I agree!" We ate our breakfast and he insisted that he clean up. I didn't want him to but I couldn't stop him.

"So Meliodas, what are you doing today?" I asked

"Umm I'm not sure, I don't think I have anything planned."

"Want to hang out with me today?"

"Really? I'd love too! But I have to pop over to a friends to grab something, is that okay?"

"Sure we'll go now"

We walked down around the town and ended up in the area that Zeldris had brought me too. We stopped in front of Zeldris' house and he just opened the door and walked in like he owned the place!

I followed him inside, as I didn't want to wait outside.

"Wait here I'll be right back!" He ran upstairs to the room which Zeldris said was his brothers. A few minutes later he went into Zeldris' room. Then he came downstairs holding a folder and a backpack.

I pointed at the folder. "What's that for?"

"This?,it's nothing" he quickly put it in the bag and we left the house. I wonder if Zeldris was actually there? I thought I heard Meliodas talking to someone but I'm not sure.

Zeldris' POV:

I heard the front door open and someone tell someone else to wait near the door. It was Meliodas. He went in the room oppersite mine and grabbed a few things before entering my room.

"Nice for you to show up" I said sarcastically.

"Zeldris i need the thing you were on about. And be quite Elizabeth is downstairs!"

"Alright here, now go have fun!"

He left closing my door. And I grabbed my laptop out. As I opened it I continued with my research that Meliodas had asked me to do. It does make me wonder what his relationship with Elizabeth is?

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