Chocolate Wonderland and first Music routine

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Charlie Prov

The room was covered in beautiful bright colors, the hills covered in lush green grass, multi- colored trees and some rather strange looking plants .However, it still looked amazing,looking around I took every single bit of detail in.I had also noticed that Rose had finally left Mike's side and came and joined me.

Rose: Now ,don't lose your heads.Don't get over excited, just keep very calm

It seemed that once she said that Mike had noticed she ha left his side and joined and gave me a very terrifying death glare.And Augustus looked like a kid at Christmas and dropped his current Wonka bar instantly forgetting about it and stepped on it.

Me:It's beautiful

Mr. Wonka: What....Oh yeah it's very beautiful

His eyes seemed to drop to where my hands were and looked back at me and gave a glare,I  looked down to find mine and Rose's hand entwined

His eyes seemed to drop to where my hands were and looked back at me and gave a glare,I  looked down to find mine and Rose's hand entwined

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Which probably explained why Mike's death glare had hardened

Mr. Wonka: Every drop of the river, is hot, melted chocolate of the finest chocolate

Rose: The waterfall is the most important thing here.It mixes the chocolate. Churns it up.Makes it light and frothy

Mr. Wonka: By the way no other factory in the world,mixes it's chocolate by the waterfall,my dear children.And you can take that to the bank


Mr. Wonka pointed to some pipes

Rose:Those pipes,suck up the chocolate and carry it all over the factory.Thousand gallons an hour

Mr. Wonka: Do you like our meadow?Try some grass.Please have a blade.It's so deletable and so darn good-looking

Me: You can eat the grass?

Rose: Of course you can 

Mr. Wonka: Everything in this room is edible even Rose and I are edible.But that is called cannibalism,my dear children and is,in fact frowned upon in most societies...Um yeah.Enjoy.Go on scoot,scoot.

Rose:Hey Charlie 

She handed me a red apple which had a caramel filling in it

Me: Thank you Rosie 

Then Mike came over and dragged Rose away from me not forgetting to give me a glare.Once they had left me Mr. Wonka had walked over

Me: Hi Mr. Wonka

Mr. Wonka: Do yo like my daughter


Mr. Wonka: You do.Oh well your better than that  mumbler Mike Teavee


Mr. Wonka: When are you gonna tell her 

Me: Probably when Mike leaves the factory

Mr. Wonka nods and leaves and as he does Rose come back over to me


Our faces were really close to each other and her warm cherry red lips brushed over mine

Violet:Look it's a little person!

Which.caused Rose to pull away and walk over to  the others and me to huff in frustrated and walk over as well

Mrs Beauregard's : There's two of them

Mr. Teavee: There's two more

Mrs. Gloop : Where do they come from?

Me:Who are they?

Mike: Are they real people?

Rose: Of course they're real people.They're Oompa-Loompas

Mr. Salt: Oompa-Loompas?

Mr. Wonka: Imported,directly from Loompaland

Mr. Teavee: There's no such place

Rose and Mr Wonka: What!?

Mr. Teavee: Mr. Wonka, I teach high school geography, and I'm here to tell you...

Rose: Well, then you'll know all about it and what a terrible country it is

Rose: They are such wonderful workers . I feel I must warn, though,they are rather mischievous. Always making jokes.

Mrs Gloop: Augustus, my child, that is not a good thing to do!

Mr. Wonka: Hey,little boy. My chocolate must be untouched by human hands

Me: What are they doing?

Rose: I believe they're are going to treat us to a little song

Mr. Wonka: They haven't had a fresh audience in many a moon

Song above

At the end of the song Augustus was sucked up the rest of the way and transported probably somewhere in the factory

Rose:Bravo! Well done boys!Aren't they delightful?Aren't they charming

Causing all of us except Mrs. Gloop to laugh

Mr.Salt: I do say,that all seemed rather rehearsed

Mike: Like they knew it was gonna happen

Mrs. Gloop: Where is my son?Where does that pipe go to ?

Mr. Wonka: That pipe, it just so happens to lead directly to the room where I make the most most delicious kind of strawberry flavored chocolate-coated fudge

Mrs. Gloop: Then he will be made into strawberry flavored chocolate-coated fudge. They'll will be selling him by the pound all over the world?

Rose: What?Ew. No, I wouldn't allow it.The taste would be terrible

Mr. Wonka seemed to have nodded in agreement, while everyone seemed conflicted like the didn't know whether to laugh at the insult or be disgusted that all they seemed to care about right know was the chocolate

Rose: Can you imagine Augustus-flavored chocolate coated Gloop?No-one would buy it

Everyone except Mrs. Gloop of course seemed to bite their lip to hold back their laughter

Mr. Wonka: I want you( When did the Oompa-loompa come over?)to take Mrs. Gloop up to the fudge room,okay? Help her find her son.Take a long stick and poke around the mixing barrel, okay?

Me: Grandpa, Mr. Wonka was joking right?

Grandpa Joe: Oh of course, that boy will be just fine

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