T.V room and 4th musical routine

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A/N: Finally Mike's leaving

Charlie Prov

The elevator came to a sudden stop and it's doors letting us out,Dad and I headed to a room with the sign T.V room.Dad pushed the door open revealing a bright blinding light, I handed everyone a pair of glasses before putting my own which was specifically made for me since it was the only purple one and had my name on it.

Mr. Wonka: This light could burn your eyeballs right of your skull.We certainly wouldn't want that do we?

Rose: Well people this room for our latest and greatest invention: Television chocolate

Mr. Wonka: One day it occurred to me. Hey if television can break up into millions of pieces and millions of pieces and send it wishing through the air then reassemble it on the other end...Why can't I do it?Why can't I send a real bar of chocolate through the television, all ready to be eaten.

Mr. Teavee: It sounds impossible

Mike:It is impossible. You don't understand anything about science.First off,there's a difference between waves and particles.Duh!Second,the amount of power it would take to convert energy in matter would be like nine atomic bombs

How has Rose and Mr. Wonka been able to stand him for this look because Ii want to punch him in the face

Mr. Wonka: MUMBLER,seriously I can't understand a single word you're saying

Well he has snapped

Rose:Bring in the chocolate

Grandpa Joe:Why does it have so big

Rose:*Whispers to me and mike* I bet Augustus would look at this bar and look at it as if it's God if he was still here

Causing the three of us to laugh,then suddenly there was a bright flash

Me:It's gone

Mr. Wonka: Told ya.That bar of chocolate is now rushing through the air above our heads in a million tiny little pieces.Come over here

We walked to a small television

Rose;Here it comes

then it suddenly appeared in the program,the only difference was that it was smaller

Mr. Wonka: Take it

Mike:It's just a picture on a screen

Rose: Scaredy cat

Mr. Wonka: You take it

Me: Me?

Rose:Yeah, go on...Just reach out and grab it

I extended my arm and grabbed the chocolate bar and took it out

Mr. Wonka: Eat it.. It'll be delicious,it's the same bar just smaller,that's all.

so I ripped it open and took a bite

Me:It's perfect

Rose:So,imagine you're siting at home watching television and suddenly a commercial will flash onto the screen, and a voice will say: Wonka's chocolate are the best in the world.If you don't believe us,try one for yourself!then you simply reach out and take it.

Mr. Teavee: So can you send other things?Like breakfast cereal?

Mr. Wonka; Do you have any idea what breakfast cereal's made of?It those little curly wooden shavings you find in pencil sharpeners

I think Mr. Wonka just put off cereal for life not like I could afford it anyway

Me:But could you send it by television if you wanted to?

Mr. Wonka: Of course I could

Mike:What about people?

This is not going to end well and the look on Rose's face proves my point

Rose:Well,why would we want send a person?

Mr .Wonka: Yes I agree Rose they don't taste could at all

Mike: Don't you realize what you invented?

Rose: Yes we do.It's a teleporter to send things to someone's television

Mike: At least someone who works here is smart.It's the most important invention in the history of the world and all you think about is chocolate!

Well of course that not all he thinks about he has a daughter to look after and even if it was he is a chocolate make so it would make sense

Mr. Teavee: Calm down, Mike. I think Mr. Wonka and Rose know what they're talking about and doing

Mike: No he doesn't and she has to listen to him! He has no idea.You think he's a genius but he's an idiot.But i'm not

Mike ran away from us and towards the control panel.Yeah just as I thought it definitely wasn't going to end well. Mike pushed the poor Oompa Loompa out of the way

Mr. Wonka: Hay,little boy don't push my button

But Mike ignored him and pushed the button and leapt onto the platform, we all watched helpless as he was raised into the air,hovering and dancing for a second then came the bright light,we all shielded our eyed. When we looked at the platform again Mike had vanished into thin air.

Mr. Teavee: He's gone

Rose: Let's go and check the television, see what we can find

Mr. Wonka: I sure hope no part of him gets left behind

Mr. Teavee : What  do you mean?

His was was particularly screaming in horror

Rose: Well sometime only half of the pieces find their way through

She was obviously happy that it could happen to Mike with that daydreaming look on her face. Like father like daughter I guess

 Mr. Wonka: If you had to choose only half of your son which half would it be ?

definitely like father like daughter 

Mr. Teavee : What kind of a question  is that?

Mr. Wonka: No need to snap...It was just a question. Try every channel. We're feeling a little anxious. 

Me: There he is

Video above

As the music ended the anchor-Loompa smashed Mike with paper before leaving his chair

Rose: Ew...Somebody get him

Without any hesitation Mr. Teavee reached inside for his son and pulled him out

Mr. Wonka: Oh,thank heavens.He's completely unharmed

  Mr. Teavee : Unharmed,what are you talking about?

Mike: Just put me in the other way

Rose:Other way?..There is no other way.It's television not telephone. There's quite a difference

 Mr. Teavee: And what exactly do you propose to do about it?

Rose: Don't talk to my dad like that we tried to stop him, while you did nothing so shut it!

Mike: She's right you know

  Mr. Teavee: Sorry

Mr. Wonka: I don't know,but young men are extremely springy.They stretch like ma- .I know! Let's put him in the taffy puller

  Mr. Teavee :Taffy puller

Rose: Hey, that was his idea,boy is he gonna be skinny

 Mr. Wonka: I want you to take Mr. Teavee and his...little boy to the taffy puller okay

Mr. Teavee left with the Oompa  Loompa not before giving M. Wonka a look of disbelief and anger,

Rose: Now on with the tour

before noticing I was the only one left causing a huge smile to come unto her face

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