Just Be You

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Attention to all ladies!

Single or married, introvert or extrovert,
Calm or anxious, doctor or lawyer...

This is your stage,
No matter what's your age.
Your life is what you create..
And if someone tells you which career to choose and when to get married, please!... Do not reciprocate.
Everyone has the freedom of speech, rights to equality and everything to associate...
It's us the humans who tend to differentiate..
Fat or Thin, Black or White, Dark or Light,
Doesn't define our potential to dream and you should fight ...

You might have grown up hearing this all..
That you are a girl, you should not do this and you ain't supposed to go there..
But honestly they are just waiting for you to fall.
How do you dress or how much make up you put on, you don't need anyone's approval.
Because the only person who matters is the one you see in the mirror...
But trust me life is full of error.
Stand up for your own pride and behold those are hollow.
At the end you are born to be unique and not in the fleet of sheep to follow...
Let nobody touch your wind.. You need to fly..
Because the world doesn't need another Hannah Baker to die..

("Hannah Baker" is in context with the series 13 reasons why - Hannah is the name of the lead character who end her life due to depression.)

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