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In the days that passed Thorin was crowned in an official coronation and then he crowned me as his queen. We signed every piece of parchment that we had to and finally Erebor had a King (and Queen) ruling once more.

Thorin received letters from all over, some congratulated him, but others began to stake claims on the treasure the dragon had guarded all these years.

This caused trouble through all of us.

Some of us didn't see the harm in letting Bard have what he asked for, it was he who killed the dragon after all. Nor did we have any issue with giving away a few gems to Thranduil if it meant this centuries old feud would come to an end.

But then there was those who would hear none of this, Thorin was one of them. He was fast becoming possessed by the treasure and I feared for my husband, I could only hope that he would not make the same mistakes his grandfather made.

Balin showed Bilbo, Fili, Ori, and I around.

The castle was gigantic and I felt like I would never see the entire thing. "Balin, do you think it wise for Thorin to keep all of the treasure?"

"Your majesty, what my king wishes to do is of no concern to me." He said kindly.

I knew I wouldn't get an honest opinion from any of the dwarves and I already knew Bilbo felt the same way I did.

Later that night I entered our chambers and found myself alone, and I knew exactly where I would find Thorin.

I readied myself for bed but then left the room for the great treasure hall, but he was not there. I roamed the corridors and finally found him standing at the foot of the thrones, staring up at them with wonder.

"This place is so radiant and full of promise."

The sound of my voice caused him to turn, he smiled at me and embraced me, "nothing is more radiant than you Miz vaen." He kissed me once and then placed a hand on my stomach.

I could see in his eyes that something was bothering him.

"What troubles you my husband?"

He removed his hand from my belly and grabbed my own hand, "Balin once asked why I was so persistent to take on this journey and I knew it was because since the day it was taken from us we have always wanted to reclaim it."

Then he slowly met my eyes, "but now I don't know if it was worth it, I've lost my baby nephew, I would give every piece of gold in this mountain to bring Kíli back. We had a good home, I did my best to give my people stability and structure and in turn ended up giving them a new home, safe from Warg packs and goblins, but I turned my back on it, on them, to take back the Lonely Mountain." He said with such passion "and it truly is a lonely mountain with just us 14 that remain."

"I'm sorry that you feel this quest was an entire waste."

"No," he said as he cupped my face with his large hand, "no it was not a complete waste, I have learned that not all Elves are the same, not all Hobbits are calm and quiet, and this journey has given me you."

I smiled.

"You, my love, my queen, the mother of my future children, you alone were worth every second of this damned adventure."

"Then as your Queen, your Love, and the future mother of your children will you please hear me out." I begged, "please share the treasure, it will not be a sign if weakness but rather a sign if peace and well being between all, I want our people to come home to Erebor with no enemies, to a safe and secure home like the blue mountain. If you want to be a good king then follow the example of your grandfather for he was, a good king." I said.

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