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"I have to ride Thorn?" I ask a little bit too loud as I stand in front of Thorns stoll looking at my father confused and worried. Last night when I got home I told Jordan that I needed him with me because there was a 99.9% chance that I was going to have a panic attack. I didn't get much sleep, while Jordan was next to me sleeping like a dog. I did have a panic attack but Jordan did calm me down. I feel bad having to wake him up but he seemed to understand. I went back to the hospital this morning and they said that Clare can come home today. They just need to put a cast on her. So right now, like I said, staring at my father. He is wearing his usual flannel, ripped jeans, and backwards baseball hat.

"I'm sorry sweet, but that's the rules. You can't ride someone else's horse, it's illegal," my father's words sink in like someone pouring ketchup down my throat. I hate ketchup.

"Thorn is not ready. She is barely trained," I uncross my arms from my chest and walk closer to him. There is now way that Thron can compete. I would have to do some serious down control. Like right now.

"You don't really have a choice," My father is really trying hard to let me down. I'm pretty sure I already new this rule. Just didn't come to mind. It makes perfect sense to not ride someone else's horse. I mean you can't ride, it wouldn't make sense if I rode American Pharaoh. Why would it make sense to ride. My father comes closer to me and gives me a small kiss on the cheek. "I have to go and do some paperwork, I'll see you later" and with that he walks away leaving me standing there with no hope. I sigh to myself and sling my back over my shoulder.

I walk towards the dressing room and open the door to walk inside. In there I see Quin putting on her riding gloves. She looks at me with a smirk. Her dark blond hair sits as a perfect ponytail. Her clothes consist of professional riding jacket from a designer line.

"I heard about Clare," she puts her bag down on the bench and gives me her full attention. She starts to sound sympathetic but I really don't by it. Before I can say anything she cuts me off. "I also heard that you are going to compete. I mean, it's better this way. Now we have less competition with that piece of shit of a horse you have" She looks out into the distance.

Did she just say that about my grandmother's horse. Okay wow. "Listen, I don't know what kinda crack you're using, but you and I both know that you have no chance of winning against me. Trainer or rider" Did I just say that out loud. I never really stand up to people like that. It's mostly Clare. Quinn's eyes widen as if she saw a ghost.

"Back off," she huffs and walks away. She slams the door behind me leaving me in my own satisfactory. Is this what I'm like now? Okay stop I need to get ready.

After I'm finished getting dressed I head out of the dressing room. There by my stoll I see Fenton leaning in looking at Thorn. I walk a little faster. I approach him and he sees me.

"Hey?" I say confused. Isn't he supposed to be with Clare? "What are you doing here?" I stop in front of him getting a good look at his face. He is worn out. As if he hasn't slept in days. He's wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday. Which consist of khaki shorts and a button down, now renkli, collar shirt.

"Clare told me to come and help train you for a couple hours." He sticks his hands in his pockets and turns back towards Thorn.

"I can train myself." I walk to the stoll and pet Thorn on the head. "Plus you're a rider not a trainer." I state looking at him with confused eyes.

"That's why Jordan is on his way" His snarky tone comes out. I'm happy that he's coming but I really don't need training at all. I mean yeah, Thron needs some work but at the same time I can train her. I don't need help. I roll my eyes at Fenton and get into the stoll. I look at Thron, i pet her dark brown hair. This is going to be really hard to do in a only two weeks. I sigh. Okay maybe I do need some help.

"Fine but only for a couple days, I can do the rest myself." Just as I pull Thron out of her stoll, Jordan comes into view from the other side of the stables. He's wearing his normal denim jeans and plain white t-shirt. Everything he wears makes him look like a god. I am so not complaining I mean would you?

"Hey," Jordan speaks up as he approaches the stables. He gives me a wink then gives Fenton a fist bump. Me and Jordan have been dating for about a year but I still get butterflies everytime he walks into a room. He's so pretty.


Three hours past by of us training. Thron has made some nice improvements but it still is not enough. But we can get there. I really do believe in Thron and that she can do this but I still have a lot of doubt. We are on our way to the hospital. Justin is driving, since it's his car, and Fenton is in the back seat leaving me in the passenger seat. Fenton is tapping his finger together nervously. I get aggravated and turn around in my seat.

"Fenton she's going to be fine, you don't have to be nervous," I give him a smirk. Fentons cheeks turn to a light pink on his light pale skin.

"Why the hell would I be nervous," Fenton says sounding defensive. I roll my eyes and look at Jordan who has a smirk on his face.

So this is when I become blunt. "Ah because you like in love with her," I say with a 'duh' voice. Jordan lets out a laugh. Fenton shoots his eyes towards Jordan like daggers.

"You told her?" Jordan raises his hands on defense.

"Dude she knew before I did," I smile at him with his choice of words. It's very much true as well. I could tell by the way they look at each other that they like each other. They are both so freaking blind that they don't realize their feelings for each other. Fentons eyes shoot towards me. His eyebrows push up in confusion.

"I see the way you look at her, and I can tell that she likes you to," I say nodding at him. His eyes widen and his smile grows across his face like he had just won a million dollars. I can tell I just kinda made his day. Or you know, his year.

"You think?" His eyes light up like stars.

"No offence man but. Bitch you're blind" Jordan speaks up from being quiet. What he says causes me to laugh. Fenton scoffs at him. His face turns a bright red as he turns to look out the window. I totally ship Fenton and Clare. Like harrrrrrrrd. Okay I'm done now.

We make it to the hospital and see that there aren't really that many people in the parking lot. I hop out of Jordan's car and walk into the hospital without stopping. I don't stop at the receptions desk. I walk down the hall and stop in front of Clares door. I hover my hand in front of the door knob. I really hate being here. Not for a personal reason but because it's really creepy here. The only family member of mine that has ever died was my grandma. You were probably thinking that m mo died in a hospital but nope, she's alive. Well that's a story for another time.

I walk into Clares room and see her eyes glued to the tv watching Pretty Little Liars. I gasp at her as she snaps her head towards me.

"You're watching Pretty Little Liars without me," I place my hand over my chest to show that I'm hurt. She rolls her eyes at me.

"Well come and sit with be and watch you big baby." She gestures me to come and sit next to her on her bed. I skip over to her bed and hop on right next to her. I pull the blankets over the both of us and watch the tv. Pretty Little Liars is our show. We always watch it together.

"So are you leaving today?" Fenton says sitting in a chair on Clare side of the bed. To be honest I totally forgot that Fenton and Jordan were here. Clare turns her attention to Fenton. I see her eyes light up. She totally likes him.

"Ah yeah, I just got done with my last test. I'm just waiting for my mom to come and pick me up," the look of disappointment is very clear for a split second on her face. But she quickly hides it with a blank expression.

"She wasn't here when you had to do the tests?" Jordan asks speaking up. He is standing by the door with his arms folded across his chest.

"No she didn't come" she looks down at her hands not making eye contact. I knew that her mom was a little neglectful but not being there for your daughter when she had to get test done to make sure she's not dying, that's kinda cruel. She notices all our looks of sympathy and sends us a smile

"I'm okay, I promise"

A Tear for Taylor MayfairWhere stories live. Discover now