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I wake up to a bright light in my face. I groan and roll over on the soft surface, but get hit with a hard skin like surface on the other side of me. I crack open my dry eyes and look up seeing Jordan laying there with his dark brown hair all messed up. His shirt is off showing his sculpted six pack. I turn around in his arms and look at the clock on his bed. I really don't want to be late for the competition. That would be a huge nightmare. I also really don't want to try and explain why I'm late. The thoughts from last night come back to me making me smile. I look at the clock and it reads '8:36'. I have a lot of time since the comp starts at 1. But I do really need to use the bathroom. I took Jordan's arm and placed it on the other side of him, trying not to wake him up. I quietly got out of the bed and headed towards the bathroom. I washed my face brushed my teeth and used the bathroom. Once I opened the door Jordan was sitting up in bed checking his phone. Once he noticed my presence he looked up and smiled.

"Hey," his voice is soft and innocent. I look down and see that he is in his boxers. Thank god because if he wasn't then would be able to contain myself. I look down at my black lace underwear and my peach pink bra. I blush and cover myself up with my hands. Jordan's smile grows. He gets up from his bed and comes to stand in front of me.

"Hi," my voice sounds like little girls. It's almost unhearable. But he heard me. He takes my hands in his look down at my body. My blush gets brighter.

"Your body is so beautiful, please don't hide it from me." I could have leaped in his arms and repeat what happened last night. "Plus I don't know where all this shyness came from, you are the most unshy person I know." I give him a look. He knows that I'm shy. "Well around me."

"I don't know it's just," I pause looking deeply into Jordan's dark green eyes. "The atmosphere around us has changed." I didn't mean it like it's bad. Now I think we are so much more comfortable around each other.

"That's, good right" his voice is almost disappointed but more curious. I nod my head and he smiles.

"Yes, in the best way." After he hears that he leans in for a kiss. The kiss is soft and gentle. I deepen the kiss a little but by putting my arms around him. He smiles against my lips, which by the way, is the cutest thing ever. He pulls away and sets in forehead against mine. "I love you, Taylor," He whispers.

I smile. "I love you too Jordan,"


"Dad, I'm home!" I yell as I walk through the threshold of my lovely home. I'm in a pretty good mood, I mean who wouldn't be. I just had sex with the most amazing guy in the world. The thought makes me laugh. I wait for an answer but there is nothing.

"Taylor!" I hear a yell from the kitchen. It is most definitely not my dad since he won't yell. I walk into the kitchen and see my butler Charlie sitting at the table. A small sympathetic smile grows on his face. My stomach starts to turn thinking something bad has happened. "Please sit." I walk over to the table and sit across from him.

"Whats wrong?" I feel worried. Is my mom here? I know for a fact that this has to do with her. Charlie wouldn't be acting like this. He knows how I feel about her.

"Your father-" he pauses. My heart drops as he does not make eye contact with me. "He had to go to Las Vegas. He won't be back for a couple days." My head starts to pound at the thought that my father is not going to be at comp. He has always been there for me. He must have a really good reason. Maybe there was an investment that he had to make. I try and hold back the tears.

"Wh-" I cough. "Why is he in Las Vegas." I almost can't get the words out. They were quiet and child like. Almost as if someone took the words away from me just as I was saying them. I thought dries up. Deep down I know exactly why he went.

A Tear for Taylor MayfairWhere stories live. Discover now