What Hurts the Most~ Part Vikklan

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And here is the final part of What Hurts the Most. We've had Merome, then we had Poofless, and now, we complete the story with Vikklan. 

This leads off of when Preston and Rob make up. I literally just came up with the idea for this so let's get into it. Play song when you feel most appropriate.


~Vikk's POV~

"Where do you think the girl is now?" I asked as we ran around the city Preston lived in.

"I have no clue. She could be anywhere by now!" Jerome answered as he sat down on a park bench with a huff.

I sat down next to him and sighed. It's been almost a day since we found out what's been happening with Preston and the crazy girl. While Mitch stayed with Poofless, me and Jerome were out searching all night. It's now early in the morning and we've had no idea where the girl could be.

"I'm calling Preston. The only info we got from him was her name was Jasmine and that she has long blonde hair and dark green eyes. We know nothing else about her." I said, pulling out my phone and dialing Preston; putting it on speaker so Jerome could hear.

"What's up Vikk?" Preston asked through the phone.

"We've found nothing. No one in the city looks like the girl you described." I answered.

"Well, shrimp." Preston said, going quiet for a second before speaking again. "Mitch says we should all go to the police and inform them of what happened. I have a photo of Jasmine to show."

"Sounds good. Are we meeting at the station near the hotel?" Jerome asked, as he yawned.

"Yeah. We'll meet you guys there." Preston said as he hung up.

I put my phone away and let out a deep breath before turning my head to Jerome.

"You ready to go?" I asked the tired man.

"Yeah. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can rest." Jerome said as he stood up and began to walk towards the police station; me following right behind him.

5 minutes later, we walked into the station to be greeted by the others.

"Hey guys. We've already informed the police of what happened. They said that they would get right to searching. Apparently this girl has done more bad things in the past." Preston said as we stopped in front of them.

"That's great. Can we go sleep now?" Jerome asked as he lent on Mitch.

"Sure thing Biggums. We have enough room for everyone to sleep in the room." Mitch said as he guided us to the exit and towards the hotel. "We have two beds and a couch. So one of us will sleep alone."

"I'll do it. Everyone should sleep with their boyfriends." I said, pushing open the doors of the hotel.

"Thanks Vikk." Rob said, smiling at me as we climbed into the elevator.

I shrugged and smiled as we entered our room. Walking over to the couch, I plopped down on top of it as Jerome fell asleep on his bed with Mitch right next to him. Preston and Rob sat on their bed, watching the TV that stood on the other side if the room. I closed my eyes and listened to the news report that the three were watching; only to open my eyes when I heard something bad.

"This just in! An American girl was arrested today after hitting an Australian man with her car. Witnesses say she purposely ran into the man who had been walking the streets of LA this afternoon. Here is a photo of the man hit."

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