Feelings 😚

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Brennan's pov
I wake up from a long nap. I hop out of my bed and walk to my mirror. He really busted open my lip. I grab my phone and text Annie. She didn't reply yet so I just turn on my tv and skip threw shows.
Hayden's pov
I hate seeing Annie with another boy. I know I sound opposed with her...that's because I am...
Annie-Hayden it's not alright I can't keep letting you hurt people because of me
Hayden-Your to kind hearted 😂
Annie-Hayden I'm not joking
Hayden-I know you aren't it's just that you look cute when your mad
Annie-Hayden stop
Hayden-What I'm not doing anything 😂
Annie-What ever
Annie's pov
My phone vibrates. I grab it and get a message from Brennan. Why is he texting me. I bet if Hayden saw this he would freak out.
Hayden-Who is it ?
Annie-Its nobody forget about it
Hayden-Annie give me your phone
Annie-No why ?
Hayden leans in and kisses me but also slowly takes my phone out of my hand.
Annie-Hayden really !!!
Hayden-Why is he still texting you I don't get it
Annie-Hayden forget about it I mean you busted his lip open
Hayden-Ok I'll tell him I'm sorry
(Conversation with Brennan)
Hayden-Hey Brennan its Hayden
Brennan-Why are you on Annie's phone ?
Hayden-Because I am
Brennan-Where is she
Hayden-She's right here next to me
Brennan-What do you want
Hayden-I just wanted to apologize. Oh and I'm blocking you sorry 😂
Brennan-Wait Hayden stop !
(Number blocked)
Annie-What did you do
Hayden-I apologized but I blocked his number
Annie-You did what !!!!
Hayden-Oh well
Annie-Give me my phone back
Hayden-Come get it
Hayden lifts his arm up in the air with my phone in his hand. I jump and try to get it.
Hayden-Your so short 😂
Annie-Leave me alone 😂
He finally gives up and hands me my phone
Annie- I knew you would give up
Hayden-Yeah sure 😂
Hayden's pov
I hanged out with Annie all day long. I love her smile and laugh it's adorable.
Annie-I gotta go home
Hayden-Ok I'll walk you home
Annie-Can you...
Hayden-What is it...
Annie-Can you stay over...
Hayden-Yeah sure why not
Annie-Yay !
Hayden-Lemme grab some stuff then we can go
I run up to my room and grab some stuff. We walk out of my house and walk down to Annie's house. She grabs her key out of her bag and opens the door.
Ms.Katie-Hey Hayden !
Hayden-Hi Katie how are you
Ms.Katie-I'm good you sleeping over ?
Ms.Katie-Ok if you need anything just yell my name ok
Hayden-Ok Thanks
Hayley-Hai Haydennnnnnnnn 😂
Hayden-Hello H$ 😂
Annie-Guys wanna go get some Frozen Yogurt ?
Hayley-Okie 😁
Hayden-Lets go
We all walk down to the Frozen Yogurt store and grab some Frozen Yogurt.
Annie-Hayley grab some fruit at least
Hayden-Not everyone wants fruit on there Frozen Yogurt Annie 😂
Annie-Really Hayden your setting a bad example
Hayden-Oh well...come on Hayley grab as much candy as you want
Hayley-Hehe 😂 Annie you can't tell me what to do anymore
After we get are toppings I pay for the Frozen Yogurt and we find a bench to sit at. Hayley sits next to Annie and I sit across from Annie. We all eat are Yogurts and just sit there glued to our phones. I look up and stare at Annie for awhile.
Hayley-😂 Hayden get a hold of yourself
Annie-Hayley 😂
Hayley-What 😂. I'm saying the truth
Hayden-Whatever. Wanna go home now ?
We get out of our seats and throw are cups in the trash. Then we walk back to the house to get ready for bed.
Annie's pov
When we get home I run up to my bathroom and get ready for bed. Hayden walks in and jumps onto my bed.
Annie-Aren't we gonna make spot arrangements
Hayden-Nope I'm keeping this bed all to myself
Annie-Really Hayden moveeeeee
Hayden-Say the magic word
Hayden-Then I guess I won't be moving
I jump on my bed and lay on Hayden's chest I look up at him.
Annie-I bet this was your plan right 😂
Hayden-Maybe 😂
(The next day)
Hayley's pov
I think Hayden is awesome. First he gives me 5 dollars then Frozen Yogurt. I think Hayden and Annie's relationship is adorable. Like they had there ups and downs but...the way Hayden stares at Annie is goals 😂. Wait I'm 9 what do I know about relationships 😂...
Annie's pov
I wake up and look around the room for a sec. I don't know why I just felt like it 😂. I turn around and see Hayden sleeping. He's so cute I just wanna pinch his cheeks. I head to my bathroom and get ready for today.

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