Chapter 4 - When fate decides we meet again

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Chapter 4

“I love you” he says and kisses her

I walk from behind the brick wall, my shoes making some noise. My eyes are extremely watery and I feel like I could break down any second now

“Luke” I barely whisper

He breaks the kiss and both Mariah and him look at me

“Rachel, I-“

“Save it” I say and walk passed them into the music room

Mariah is a great friend and I know that she didn’t mean for any of this to happen, but Luke. He has loved her all along, not me. He has smiled because of her, not me. He is still alive because of her, not me. He knows what love is because of her, not me. Finally, He loves her and not me…

To tell the truth, I don’t know if I will be able to face Mariah anymore. Mariah and I are extremely good friends because she is Niall’s cousin. We have been close since we were born and I know it isn’t her fault that Luke kissed her but he kissed her and he loves her. I don’t even know what is going to happen between Luke and I anymore now and maybe Niall was right. Maybe I should have stayed away from Luke

“Hey do you want to go wash up?” I hear Mariah say. I turn around to find her putting her stuff down on her assigned desk which is the desk behind mine and Luke’s

“Uh yeah” I say with a sniffle

“Would you like me to come with you?” she asks

“Yeah if you want” I say and I make my way to the door of the classroom

Once we make our way out of the classroom, Mariah grabs my shoulder and stops me in my tracks

“Hey look, I’m sorry about everything that happened before. I didn’t know that he liked me and all I was doing was convincing him to come to Kayla’s party and I –“

“Mariah!” I cut her off

“It’s ok. It’s not your fault” I calm down

“I’m sorry about Luke. I really am” she says and pulls me into a hug

“It’s not your fault”

“But I promise you that I would never do anything to hurt you, no matter what” she says

“Thanks, I appreciate it” I give her a small smile

“Would you like to grab some dinner tonight together?” she asks

“But aren’t you going to Kayla’s party?”

“I don’t think that it’s a good idea for either of us to go” she says looking down at her shoes

“I mean if it’s ok with Kayla then sure” I tell her and we walk into the bathroom. I wash the makeup off from under my eyes and re-apply my concealer


“Hey, I heard about the breakup” Niall says as I sit down next to him in the cafeteria

“Yeah well, I’m pretty sure everyone has” I reply to him

“I’m sorry about everything” he apologizes

“It’s not your fault”

“So are you and Mariah alright?” he questions

“Yeah, we are going out for dinner tonight, you can come if you want”

“No I think I’m ok with just studying”

Too busy chasing // Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now