Flynn's Secret

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After Flynn and Flynnella talking on and on in the annix for at least 30 minutes, Flynn notices that Eve has went home but Ezekiel, Jacob, Cassandra, and Jenkins hasn't. So Flynn figured he would tell his biggest secret about Flynnella that only Judson, Charlene, and Jenkins knows.
Flynn wasn't sure about how they would react to this but he had to tell someone.
"Librarians come!" Flynn yelled as Flynnella sat quiet at his desk looking through one of Jacob's art history books.
The Librarians came into the anxix to find the mysterious girl still there not just inside the anxix but at Flynn's desk.
"That's odd," Ezekiel said with a surprising look on his face,"Flynn won't let any stranger sit his desk."
Cassandra looked at Jacob then starred at the girl,"Umm...Jacob, is that your art history book from the 16 century."
"Yeah it is," Jacob said stunned. Flynn wouldn't let anyone look through Jacob's art history books not even with Jacob's permission. The Librarians went into the anxix slow and quietly as Flynn came over to them and said,"You  know that Eve said no more secrets." The librarians nodded their heads.
"Well I've kept a secret from all of you and Eve."
Flynn called over Flynnella and when she came over and stood next to him, Flynn looked at the librarians and said,"Librarians this is Flynnella Hope Carsen my.......daughter."
The librarians stood in complete shock in an awkward silence until Cassandra finally said,"You have a daughter,who knew?"
"Just Judson, Charlene, and Jenkins."
Jacob looked at Flynn directly in the eyes and said,"Why didn't you tell us?"
Flynn replied with a little smile,"Cause if I did Eve would found out and....well......I wasn't ready to tell Eve that I had a kid. She was born on December 15,2004, and well it was hard to tell Judson and Charlene why I was not coming in. Of course Charlene was mad until she cut her wrist accidentally and Judson took her to the hospital and they saw me there and I told them."
Ezekiel then said," Who is her mother?"
Flynn smiled and said," My first girlfriend, Nicole Noone. Me and Nicole fought on Christmas Eve and she left me and Flynnella there on Christmas Day. No goodbye no nothing. So ever since then I raised Flynnella and either of us hasn't seen Nicole in years."
Cassandra looked at Flynn with her eyes full of tears and said," That story is the saddest story I've ever heard."
You could tell Flynn even had a few tears coming out," Yeah,but before you guys go home promise me none of you will tell Eve. I'll tell her when the time is right.
"We promise," they replied.

This is one of the saddest stories I've ever written, but I hope you guys enjoyed it. When do you think Flynn will tell Eve about Flynnella?

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