Always Running

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"Mr.Carsen," Jenkins yelled as he was coming down the aneix stairs,"you told them didn't you?"
Flynn looked at Jenkins and said,"Yes I told them.....did I do the right thing?"
"Yeah you did," Jenkins said to Flynn with a smile that he couldn't wipe off his face.
Jenkins knew Nicole left Flynnella when she was over a week old,but Nicole didn't think she couldn't raise her, including the fact that Nicole still blamed herself for the last librarian,Edward Wilde's, death. Flynn mostly left Flynnella with his mother,Margret Carsen, that is until Margret died. After that he left Flynnella with Charlene that is until she retired. So since then its been just Flynn and Flynnella.
Flynn watched as his daughter was using the chalkboard for calculations about her math homework which was factor trees and finding the volume of a rhombus. Flynn loved her very much.....well he loved her and Eve more than learning itself. Which he had to plan on which was the perfect time to tell Eve he had a kid. Maybe on their next date or tomorrow when he first brings Flynnella home from school. Then,Flynn whispered to himself saying,"Maybe I need to call it a night and think this through."

Flynnella wakes up in her bedroom to the horrible dream of her first Christmas Eve when she remembers her mother and father arguing about how her mother saying that she can't do raise her or that she can't take anymore of the relationship any longer. Flynnella looked on her alarm clock to see what time it was."5:30.......might as well get up before Dad does."
Flynnella's bedroom was small but it had to do. She had a brown,tall,oldish bookshelf full of books like alegbra for high level students and adventurous detective books like Nancy Drew. Flynnella had a white dresser with a mirror and another white one for her clothes. Her bed was on rails and her sporty activities,board games,and card decks tied together with a rubber band was underneath. She even had a small TV to watch her drama shows and other sitcoms. Just as Flynnella was picking out her outfit for the day which was a green Danskin Now T-shirt, black Danskin Now shorts, and gray Danskin Now tennis shoes, she saw a picture, the only picture she had of her mom, was the day Flynnella was born. The picture had her dad,mom,and Flynnella as a baby. She did have a picture of her dad and his new girlfriend,Eve, but Flynnella wasn't ready to put that picture up let.

Flynnella picked up the picture which was in a gold/sliver frame and sighed. If I could only see a tiny glimpse of her even for a minute, it would be worth it 100%. Flynnella put the picture back on her dresser and walked into the apartment small living room and sat on the light brown couch and started to talk to herself.
"I know this Eve person isn't gonna be in my life for long. Well the others wasn't so she isn't gonna. I had always hoped for a mother in my whole life but I always got Dad's girlfriends which part of the reason why they left was because of me. I NEVER GOTTEN A MOTHER,I NEVER HAD FEMALE SOMEONE TO LOOK UP TO,AND EVEN WHEN I DO WANT A MOTHER I LOOK AROUND AND NO ONE IS THERE!"
At that moment Flynnella turned around to see her dad coming up right behind her grabbing her in a hug while she was crying on his brown jacket and on his work clothes while rubbing her hair saying,"It's gonna be okay, I promise."
Just as the librarians was reading their books,Eve looked around and noticed that the crew hasn't been chit chatty all day. "I can't take any more of this quiet. What's going on? I sure you know what's going on with Flynn Jenkins. On why he's been running a lot and the librarians they're never this quiet."
"Well you've got to know sooner or later," Jenkins replied putting his tea cup down in his saucer.
"Well you got to explain to the guardian soon. What is it?"
" know that girl that came in looking for Mr.Carsen last evening?"
"Flynnella? Yeah what about her?"
"Coronal, that is Mr.Carsen's daughter."

How do you think Eve is going to react. Well I guess you guys are going to find out Sunday and there is going to be more like Flynnella is going to match Cassandra up with Jacob soon and #Jassandra will happen in this book guys that is one thing I promise you guys about. See you guys on Sunday. To show you guys what the picture Flynnella had of Flynn and Eve I am posting it below and I hope you're enjoying my book so far.

 To show you guys what the picture Flynnella had of Flynn and Eve I am posting it below and I hope you're enjoying my book so far

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