Chapter 8

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 I make my way to his room and knock I get no answer so I open the door. I hear the water running in the bathroom.

"Kyle." I say.

I don't get a reply , but I can hear the moans coming from the bathroom. I turn and leave feeling my cheeks on fire. I close his door back and make my way down stairs and run into Hanna and Adam.

"So the Prince is your mate?" Adam ask.

"Yep." I say. I move past the both of them and into the kitchen. I grab a water and lean against the counter watching the women move and bustle preparing supper for everyone. I smile and move out of their way when they need to get something.

"Well that wasn't expected." Hanna says.

"Tell me about it." I say. Hanna smiles at me.

"So I have something to ask?" Hanna looks at Adam sheepishly. He smiles at her encouraging her.

"Yeah whats up?" I ask.

"Well-" Hanna looks away. Adam puts his hand on her shoulder.

"Well with Benjamin sending Gabe back to his territory I was wondering if I could go with Hanna back to Kaidan's territory. I know it's not what we thought, but I want to be with her and her family. Sam can become beta he is more than ready. I just can't be here anymore. My heart is somewhere else." Adam says.

I look at the both of them and can't help but feel lost.

"If that is what you want I will not hold you back from doing what your heart wants." I say. Hanna squeals and jumps around her lips landing on Adam's. I smile and chug my water.


Yes Alpha.

Congrats. You are now the official beta of the Moon Runner pack.

Awesome. Wait why?

Adam is now going to be a second beta to Kaidan. He wants to be with Hanna.

Wow. I didn't see that one coming. I'm so sorry Alpha.

Please call me Skye.

Alright. I have a question.


So Kyle is your mate?

News travels fast.

So it's true.


I leave Hanna and Adam in the kitchen and make my way out the back door. I feel my bones shifting and I drop to the ground. My feet pound into the ground as I throw dirt back and make my way to the grove. I can hear the water lapping at the banks. I stand at the edge and see the black wolf staring back at me. I open my mouth and look to the moon.

"Beautiful isn't it." I turn and see Kyle standing next to a tree looking at me.

I shift letting my bones shift back into place.

"It is." I sit down on the bank and stick my feet in the water. The moon's reflection making the water look ghostly grey.

"I heard you come into my room." He says. I look up at him and I feel my cheeks get warm.

"I'm sorry I came to see if you were ok. I left as soon as I heard." I say.

"Wish you hadn't." He says.

"Yeah well i'm not ready for all of that yet." I say.

"I know." He smiles at me and I shake my head.

"So what is with you and Adam?" He ask.

I turn and look at him. His head cocked looking at me intently.

"We had a thing for a month or so. It never got sexual if that's what you want to know." I say.

"No. I wasn't concerned about that. What you did before me is none of my business. I was just wondering because it seems so hard for you to be around him. Then I overheard your conversation and your beta leaving you to follow his heart." He says. He moves to sit next to me. His shoulder hitting me lightly.

"No. I mean yes it hurts, but I can't be hung up over things I can't fix. I knew he wasn't my mate I knew this and I knew my mate would come soon. I just thought I would have time to heal the brokenness I feel." I say.

"If you let me in I can help." He says. I lean my head against his shoulder.

"I know." I say. I look out over the lake and feel peace settle over me.



I watch as she leans her head against the man and she looks out over lake. I stand watching her.

"Don't make a move report back to me. We will take care of this in due time." I press the earpiece and move away from the shadows and retreat back the way I came. I avoid the patrol and make it to my car.

This is going to be fun.


Creepy. Hope you are enjoying.

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