Chapter 49

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 Brent sits in front of me looking at pictures of my mom with tears in his eyes. He flips through journals looking at them then back at me.

"I found them the other week when I wanted some time to myself. I had never given them much thought. I started reading through them and it all started to make sense. Like the story you told me about your mom leaving for a wolf. It was her mate. When you find your mate it is the weirdest thing. Everything seems to make you want them. Nothing could stop you from keeping them safe. When a persons mate dies a part of them dies with that person. If she would have rejected my dad she would have killed part of him unless he found a second chance mate." I explain.

"Why didn't she bring me with her?" He ask. Tears still falling down his face.

"She tried. Your father tried to kill you. He said if she left she wasn't going to have you. That no son of his would be raised in a flea infested home. Mom wrote it all down. She wrote everything from her moments of dispair to the fact that even though she loved her mate she missed you more than anything. She regreted leaving you. She always had a cloud around her. I was lucky to have Kylan and Lukas. They were my rocks they helped me cope with mom dying. When she died I clung to Kylan like my life depended on it." I say.

"How is it that all this hatred I had for her was on false pretences." He says.

"Brent you are more than welcome to stay here. I know this is all new to you but I promise you. If you decide to stay with us you will never be alone. We are a family and as much as I hated you I cant. You are the only blood I have. I will welcome you with arms open no questions." I say.

"Can I read through some of this?" He ask.

"Yeah of course you can. I wouldnt keep this from you. Take all the time you need and if you want to stay just let me know and I will get you somewhere to live. I won't turn you away." I say. I set the box down on the table and set mom's ring in front of him.

"Your father gave that to her. Figured  you would like it." I say.

"Thank you Skye." Brent says.

"Your welcome Brent I hope this gives you the answers you are looking for." I leave him in the room and leave the pack house. Adam and Hanna are sitting on the front porch swing.

"Skye!" I hear Hanna call out. I stop and look at her. She has a huge smile on her face.

"Hanna. Adam." I say.

"Sit down we want to talk to you about something." Hanna says.

I hop up on the banister and put my back against the column. Hanna looks at Adam her smile getting  bigger. I can hear her heartbeat but what throws me off is the fourth heart beat I can hear. I look at her and can't help the smile from spreading across my face.

"Oh my goddess!" I yell. I almost fall off the banister but move myself so I am upright once again.

"When did you guys find out?" I ask.

"The night of Kaiden's pyre." Adam says looking out at the cars.

Dread and guilt fall on me like a ton of bricks. I look away from both of them and wipe the tears that fall away.

"Funny how the goddess works. I mean in the darkest hour she gives you a blessing." I say.

"Skye." I turn and look at Kyle. I smile and he walks up to me. I leans against the column and kisses the top of my head. I lean into him and smile even wider.

"Just wanted you to know Skye before we headed back to the pack." Hanna smiles at me.

"I wish you the best Luna Hanna." I say. Sorrow etched into her face and she looks away.

"We will call when we get home." Hanna and Adam hug me and they pile into their vehicle. I wave and they disappear down the drive.

"How are your mom and dad since the attacks?" I ask.

"Dad says he can't wait until you come to visit again. He enjoyed your company almost more than I did." He says. "Mom wants you to be careful even though you showed her you can take care of yourself." I laugh and look at him.

"I was only there for a  few days and it wasn't all that good. I was in a bad place." I say. I hop off the banister and stand in front of him.

"Yeah but you made a lasting impression on everyone." Kyle says.

"I can imagine. I was covered in blood when I was there for the first day." I say.

He pulls me close to him and kisses me. The kiss awakens everything in me. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him as close as I can get him. I pull away and sit in the vacant swing. I turn to look at Kyle and hear someone come outside the door.

"I've decided to stay." I look up at Brent and he looks at his feet.

"I'm glad. I know you won't regret it." I say.

"Well isn't that some shit." Kyle says.

I turn and look at him.


"He is my wolf brother." Kyle says.

"Mom has one to." I say.

"Can you fill me in?" Brent ask.

"Do you feel a weird pull towards Kyle?" I ask.

"Yeah like I would kill for him." Brent says.

"He is like a mate except the lovey dovey touchy need to be with thing." I say. "He is your brother but in a stronger sense." I say.

Brent nods and looks at me almost like he doesn't know what to do. I move over and let him sit next to me.

"This is weird." Kyle says.

"Agreed." Me and Brent say at the same time.

I look at him and we laugh.

"Everything is going to be ok." I turn slightly and see the goddess looking at me with a smile on her face. She looks at me and then turns her head and Kaidan stands next to her.

"It will all be good." He says.

They both disappear and I look at the two guys sitting on either side of me and I know for once everything will be ok. I know the goddess is by my side and I have nothing to fear.



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