Chapter 1:The Hatching (NightFurys Could not Resist)

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Hey guys before we start just I wanted to let you know they can talk :3 btw I rlly don't care if you think that's 'Unrealistic' but I'll keep going hate comments will be blocked just be aware or ignored -Giving up with Words sincerely Me- (IGNORE MISSPELLED words IM Dumb ._.)
The mother NightFury sat close to her clutch keeping a close eye on them she noticed that one of them was moving out the Nest she hissed and flicked the egg back in the test with her tail "Don't you dare "She growled right after she eyed her eggs then looked outside she noticed a thunderstorm was coming which was dangerous if their is any skrills out there she held them close she might of been the last female NightFury in her pack but she still believing that she will have another female NightFury. the den shook as another NightFury landed in her den she opened one eye to see who it was "Ohh~ Leader Blue?"she slowly got up her wings folded anxiously "We've been reported that a strange dragon pack is heading our way and by the looks go it they are unfriendly you and your babies better take shelter where the other young went"He mumbled rushing as he spoke he had no idea what would happen but he had to make sure his pack was ready for anything Mother NightFury heard a scream and glanced outside to see a small Gronckle being pecked to death by a skuldron then blasted she was so shocked she blasted a flame onto that skuldron it screeched then dashed to the water but it was already too late for the Gronckle she tried her best she was helpless in combat even without her eggs the leader lead her to the safe den which as guarded by Whispering deaths The first one charged at a Monstrous NightMare as it tried to attack a TerrorWing (My short way spelling it) soon out of nowhere a bone knapper smashed the cave as it all caved in The mother NightFury was trapped outside she held her eggs close hissing ready to blast a plasma fire. It he dodged it the Knapper grabbed her eggs and threw them she screamed "Your not even gonna get them back now your helpless"he got ready to fire his blinding fire and it hit her right in the face she yelled louder than ever then it died down.
How was that? I was pretty serious here I'm gonna be weird and make em short no worries I'll make it long but wait next chapter one lives but suffers no more spoiling- sincerely your best pal -

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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The 'Tail' of the Wild  ~HTTYD (My Own dragons too NO Vikings doe!! XD)~Where stories live. Discover now