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Life with twins was hectic. Not in a typical way however.

The babies were a joy, it was Sirius who was causing chaos. He would constantly worry if he was 'holding the baby right' or 'What if I drop them?'

He was such a good father if only he would stop worrying.

Lily and James came over often. Lily wanted James to "practice" being around babies. That led to Ophelia becoming quite attached to James. Literally and figuratively. She loved him. Athena took countless pictures of Ophelia with James, Sirius and Remus. Definitely a daddy and uncles girl.

Apollo on the other hand was always with Mommy or Lily. He was such a sweetheart, while Lia would cause trouble any chance she could.

At one month she would be pulling Sirius's hair and making it look like Apollo did it.

She was a spitting image of Sirius. Big grey eyes and she was sporting black curly hair. Apollo looked just like Athenas dad. Or the pictures she had of him. His big brown eyes always staring back at her.

They guessed they got lucky because the two weren't very fussy.

Then Harry was born.

His first two months of life were shared with the twins. The three even though they were babies were fast friends.

Then the prophecy came.

The Potters were no longer safe.

Lily and James took Harry into hiding. The Blacks visited often as they could, but dark times were coming.

"Sirius, can you grab a bottle from the fridge?" Athena asked keeping the squirming one year old in her arms.

As Sirius grabbed the bottle Ophelia and Harry were in a match of tug of war. Ophelia was definitely winning. Athena couldn't help but laugh. Ophelia had a habit of beating up her brother and cousin. But whenever her parents would catch her, she would bat her big grey eyes and Sirius, James and even Lily would melt. She was definitely Sirius's daughter.

James was moderating Ophelia and Harry's tug of war match, while Athena fed Apollo. Lily was knitting. She had gotten significantly better since the hat she made for Harry a little over a year ago.

Remus would come and visit when he could. And of course Ophelia won his heart. She was a practically a mini Marauder at this point. He hadn't been able to come for while. Which has had an obvious affect on Sirius and James.

Lily and Athena tried to cheer them up. But the only time they were truly happy was when they were with the kids.

"Goddess look at this!" Sirius was floating giggling Ophelia in the air.

"Did you just Winguardium Leviosa our child?" Athena laughed.

"Yes, yes I did" He winked as Apollo and Harry crawled over wanting a turn.

"Wait we can do that?!" James looked excited walking over.

"JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER YOU BETTER NOT!" Lily called from the kitchen, but it was already too late. Harry was in the air.

Athena couldn't help but laugh, baby Harry just babbling as he floated.


"I love you."

"I love you too darling." Athena smiled.

"I love them too." Sirius looked at the baby monitor.

"I know, they know." Athena nodded, "Is something wrong."

"Just a bad feeling." Sirius shrugged, "If anything goes wrong."

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