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Sirius was in hysterics. Too many thoughts were running through his brain all at one. Tears were streaming down his eyes as the the other tried to calm him down. There was no consoling the boy, he was fighting every instinct to go and find her.

"Where is she?" He breathed.


"Where is she James." Sirius grabbed his friends shoulder.

"The hospital wing, but wait-"

Sirius was already running. His legs had never pumped so hard in his life. He had one goal and one goal alone. Get to Athena.

Once he reached the hospital wing he was stopped by Dumbledore and McGonagall, who had tears of her own steaming down her cheeks.

"Sirius, take a breath." Minerva put her hand on his shoulder.

"W-What happened?"

"Lucius and Bellatrix," Dumbledore started, "Have apparently claimed their side."

"I'll kill them." Sirius breathed.

"They've been expelled." Dumbledore continued.

"Expelled? Thats it?" Sirius clenched his fists, "The ministry?"

"I think we both know full well the ministry's capabilities Mr. Black."

"Can I see her? Please can I see her?" Sirius wiped a tear.

"She's sleeping but you may go in." Minerva nodded.

The boy walked into the hospital wing and found his way to the last end. Laying there was Athena cut, scraped and bruised. Sirius choked back more tears as he held her hand. That's when he noticed the long scar that was etched on her brow. He kissed her hand as he held it.

"I love you Goddess."


It was now August, the month Athena was going to return to her friends. Now she was laying unconscious in a hospital bed. Sirius was a mess, he spent his days in chair by her bed. Pushing everyone away. He wasn't looking for pity, he just wanted her. He spent a lot of time with McGonagall, she was always visiting and checking on the two. It was obvious Athena's condition was taking a toll on her aswell. Sirius couldn't help but blame himself. If he hadn't of left, he kept telling himself, this would have never happened. That of course wasn't true, but the thought still crossed his mind everyday.

Sirius didn't each much and had become a shell of the boy he once was. James was worried, but gave him space. His once well groomed hair was now just a black mop. Sirius worried all the time, about the small things of course, that lead to one very colossal problem completely out of his control.

Athena however was preparing herself to wake up. To be brought back in the world that caused her so much pain, but incredible love at the same time.

So with every bit of strength she and, she opened her eyes.

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