Leo's POV 8

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a/n: lovelies! i have returned from the dead with a chapter for you!! :) (5:00 pm)

a/n: okay i swear i'm working on this (11:14 pm the next day)

LOVES- i'm sorry it's short but it's now, like, midnight and my grandparents can hear me typing away in their room.. i love you all! thanks for reading! calypso soon! xx

We were flying over seas when Jason knocked on my door.

I had been in the middle of chatting it up with Festus, trying not to yell at him for just pointlessly huffing at me. I mean, what else could he do? He was a machine. They don't tend to speak English. (Unless they're those creepy modern-day voices on phones.. I will never create one of those.)

I hadn't left my room in a couple of days. Sure, I mean, I ate with them at mealtimes and slept for a little while. Obviously, after Frank, Hazel and I made it back from Percy's lovely underwater relatives I said hello, but other than that I hadn't really had the desire to leave.

So, I supposed, as a good friend Jason was concerned.

"Leo, buddy, you in here?"

"Yeah," I called out, finally looking away from my dragon's head. I rubbed my eyes as Jason walked over to me, concern etched on his face and a plate of cookies in his hand. He offered me one, I thanked him, and we stood there in silence for a minute.

"So, what's up?" I asked him. He shifted on his feet uncomfortably before responding.

"You didn't come to dinner last night, Leo," He said. At the look of confusion on my face he continued. "Or the night before... or the night before that."

I grabbed another cookie, shoved it in my mouth, and grabbed a third one. My mouth full, I spoke, crumbs flying at my best friend. "Yes I did."

"No, Leo, you didn't."

I furrowed my eyebrows and grabbed another cookie. "I'm sure I did."

"You didn't. I tried calling you three times. You were whirring and clicking with Festus. Coach Hedge has been sailing the ship."

"My ship?"

"Your ship."

I bit the inside of my cheek. I had sworn I'd only been down here for ten minutes... "Jason, what's today?"

"The fifteenth."

"It is not."

"It is." Jason said.

"It's the twelfth. You're messing with me."

"I am not."

I nearly dropped my cookie. I shoved it in my mouth and grabbed another one. Jason raised an eyebrow in perfect I'm the modern-day Hercules cockiness. He handed me the plate. "Hungry much?"

"I swear I had Spaghettios for dinner last night," I told him as we walked above deck. He grinned.

"Some fun dreams you have."

"No, it wasn't a dream," I said, but we were up top by now and Piper ran over to us.

"Thank the gods," she said, first hugging Jason then me. I held the plate of cookies higher than my head as she hugged me. "I thought we'd never see you again, and Hedge driving is an experience straight from Tartarus."

As soon as she said it, her face fell. Percy and Annabeth in Tartarus was still a rough topic. But I decided to lighten the mood.

"I can only imagine how he drives. I mean, the guy has hooves."

That made them smile. I took my plate of cookies and decided to go up to Hedge. "Thanks, Jason."

"No problem, buddy. But eat something more than just cookies, okay? You'll get a stomachache and you need more than just cookies-"

"Yes, mother, okay. Hades, Pipes, does he do this to you?"

Aphrodite's daughter grinned and the hint of gold in her kaleidoscope eyes glinted in the sunlight. "All the time."

Jason blushed and grabbed her hand. "I do not."

I rolled my eyes, walking to my quarter's as the Captain. "See you, guys."

I grinned at my friends as they passed me on my way. Once in my spot as Captain, I grabbed the intercom and said over the speakers- "Hello, Argo II passengers, this is your Captain speaking, and he wishes you all would eat some more greens. The coast looks pretty clear-"

And, of course, as it had to happen, as soon as I said that, a man of rock as tall as a mountain landed on my front deck.

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