Chapter 28 - Breaking out

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   "We can't just go in there without a plan!" I half yelled.

   "We know that." North replied , landing his sleigh. "But what kind of plan?"

   "I don't know! Uh...maybe we could blend in and get her out." I suggested.

   "That's actually a great idea." Tooth said. "But where are we going to get paint?" 

   Sandy tugged on my sleeve. He tried to explain that he could make us turn into a dark figure which was like Pitch's but it'll only last for an hour. I nodded. "Do what you must." He started to realise his gold dust and it circled us. The transformation was phenominal! Our colors faded so now we are colorless. "Let's get inside." I whispered.

   We slowly open the door and went inside the dark building. I'm amaze on how a big building like this can stay on a cloud. Some things have no explanations. 

   "But where exactly is she?" Tooth asks. "This place is too big to search one girl."

   "I'll make a special snow ball that will lead exactly to her." I said. I concentrated and swirl my hands around. I made a little glowing blue snow ball between my palms.

   "Great idea Jack my boy!" North praised.

   I chuckled. "Thanks." I let the snow ball float out of my palm to find Elsa. We followed behind it.

   We found a cell door. But , how do we break it up? "Any ideas on how to break the door open?" I whispered.

   "Jack ," Tooth whispers. "Can't you freeze the door down?"

   I slapped my head. "Oh , yes. I must have forgot that I could do that."

   Bunny laughs. "I would expect that."

   I rolled my eyes. I touch the door and the frost began to spread. The dark iron door broke down. Elsa was there , weeping. "Elsa!" I ran to her.

    "J-Jack..." she whispers.

   I put my finger on her delicate lips. "Shh..."

    "You c-can't b-be h-here." she said.

   "What do you mean?" I asked. "You called me with that snow flake saying you need help and to get here as soon as possible." We heard a hollow laughter echoed the hallway.

   "Jack!" Tooth yell whispers. "We have to get out of here!"

   "Hold on!" I replied. "I have to free Elsa!" I quickly grasped the dark nightmares. I-I couldn't break her free! No...I can't leave her..."I can't break her out!"

   "What? What do you mean?" North asks.

   "I can't!" I half yelled. "The nightmares are too strong!"

   "Get out of the way!" Bunny pushed me out of the way and took out his bomer rangs. He tried to cut the nightmares but failed. He was pushed back , hard.

   "Bunny! Are you okay?" Tooth asks as she flutter over to him.

   "Halt!" a voice yelled. All of us looked around. There were two giant nightmares heading towards us!

   "Elsa!" I called as I hug her. "I will come back for you. Until then , stay in there. I will soon return." I slowly let her go.

   Elsa manages to smile. "O-okay." She slowly crawled and laid on my chest. My heard started to beat rapidly. "I will keep thinking of you until then."

   I gave her a light kiss on her cheek. "I'll be back soon." We quickly ran out of her cell and headed for the sleigh. The nightmares grabbed Elsa out of her cell. "Elsa!" I shouted. The nightmares continued to drag Elsa until they disappeared into the darkness. "No!!! Elsa!!"

   Tooth patted me on the back. "We will find her soon Jack. But we can't risk having Pitch hurt her."

   I nodded while shedding a tear. "I-I know..." I sadly trailed behind the guardians as we walked to the sleigh. We can't do anything now , not while Pitch have Elsa. I don't want him to hurt her. She is everything to me , my world , my life , everything. I guess we need to wait a little longer. I sighed. A little longer.... What will Pitch do to her while we wait a little longer?

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