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Anne's POV

The next morning I woke up and made my decision. I wasn't going to sulk anymore. I have more potential than that, I mean , does it even make a difference if my parents are here or not?
All my life I've been a thought in the back of their heads and the girl at the back of the class. But I want to change that. I'm going to be Anne Riggs ,New and Improved.

So, I got up and got dressed and waited on Jackson to drive me to school.

I'm going to face my problems like a...A WOMAN!

As Jackson came downstairs and saw me waiting , his face immediately lit up. I smiled at him before wrapping my arms around him, "Good morning Daddy."
He smiled at me before suddenly picking me and running out the door to his car, saying how well stop for breakfast on the way.

I was already in a better mood, hopefully it'll stay that way throughout the day , I thought.

Per usual, people whispered as I walked through the halls, but this time with theories of where I'd been. But , still in a happy mood I just smiled at all of them.

Kill ''em with kindness

I practically skipped down the hallway to first period,but not without making sure I have everyone who eyed me a smile.

Then out of nowhere I was face to face with Lillian.

"Where you been monkey? Sucking Jackson's dick like the slut you are?" Her and her crew cackled obnoxiously.

Letting out an exasperated sigh I looked up at her and calmly stated,
"First of all, hell yeah I sucked Jackson's dick, because he's my man. Second, sucking dick don't make you a hoe, but cheating on your boyfriend with his best friend does. I'm sure you know how that story goes don't you?"

If her jaw wasn't attached to he head it would be on the floor. She opened and closed her mouth several times in disbelief.

After watching her gape like a fish I decided to get to class. I smiled at her and walked away.

Fucking bitch

The rest of day went smooth.
I actually spoke for once in my life, and was acknowledged as a human being.

Lunch went wonderful ,seeing the shock on everyone's face as I entered the cafeteria with Jackson, hands interlocked.

He of course kept his face emotionless, as he usually does at school. But when he looked at me a smile broke across his face, which ensued another round of gasps.

Not only that, but I made a friend. She didn't approach me first, I actually spoke to her. And she was genuinely nice. We hadn't really noticed each other before. But she bumped into me in the hallway, and from there we just clicked.

I felt like a new person. And not just because of Jackson, but because I chose to be myself, for myself. I realized I'm the only one that can allow happiness into my life.

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