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Anne's POV
I woke up,showered, got dressed and started my walk to school. I don't usually eat breakfast, for me,food doesn't go down easy in the mornings.

School is a 15 minute walk from my house, I have no choice but to walk. There's no bus, and my parents aren't gonna drive me ,and I don't have friends to carpool with. So I walk. Alone.

I was walking up the stairs to the school. I heard a few people whisper around me. Things like 'Dumb monkey' and 'Stupid mute girl'. But this was normal to me. I learned not to react.

I was walking to my first period when someone came from behind me and grabbed my hand. Startled, I looked up and saw it was him.
I quickly looked back down becoming flustered.
"Hey Ladybug."
That nickname will never not affect me.
"Hi Jackson" I said quietly.
"You ready for our date tomorrow?"
"I mean I guess."
"Stop being so shy Ladybug."
"It's fine, I actually like it. It's cute." He said with a quirky smile.
I felt heat rush up to my face. I tried to fight it, but I ended up smiling anyway.
Jackson grabbed my chin and lifted my head up,"There's that pretty smile!" I smiled wider.
I hid my face behind my hands, only for Jackson to pull them away.
"Never hide from me. You have no reason to be embarrassed around me" there goes that dominate tone again. I dont know why but it did something to me. I like it.
We stopped in front of my class.
"See you next period Ladybug," Jackson said kissing me on the forehead.

I gave an awkward affirmative nod and walked into class. The moment I walked in the door, I could feel the eyes on me. And not the usual stares I get. It was a hateful type of stare. And it was coming from Lillian Lopez.

I tried to ignore her harsh glare and walk to my seat, only for someone to stick their foot out and trip me. The whole class erupted with laughter. I on the other hand was not laughing. I was trying to keep myself together. So, as calmly as I could manage, I picked up my books , dusted myself off and walked to my seat.

Not much more happened after the teacher arrived. Just the occasional stare from Lillian and her Barbie squad. 60% of their bodies are packed with silicone.

I walked out of class only to come face to.....boob with Lillian.  And to say the least I was terrified. But just as Lillian was about to open her mouth,Jackson appeared.


Without thinking , I grabbed Jackson's hand and fast walked down the hallway. I turned to him,"Thank You!" I said hugging him.
"You're welcome?" He said as we walked into our next period.
I clung to him as I received more evil stares from the peanut gallery. I carefully watched the ground as I walked to my seat, cautious of any pesky feet conveniently placed in the aisle.
I sat in my seat, ignoring the glares that followed me.

This is going to be a loonng day

We were halfway through class when I heard giggling behind me. Suddenly I got hit in the head with a boatload of paper balls.
I turned around "Oh wow, I thought you wouldn't feel anything past the cotton field on your head. "

If only your lips didn't look like you got busted in the mouth with a frying pan. And yo booty don't match your thighs. But that's not my business....

Of course I didn't say that out loud. In reality I left class to hide in the hallways....for the second time this week.

But it wasn't long before Jackson was out there with me.

I walked out of class to go check on my baby. She hadn't made it far down the hallway.
"Hey," I said. But I soon as she looked up, I pulled her into a hug.

I dont know why but I wanted to protect her . Just hold her and let her know I love her. Because I do. And that's what I like about her. Her personality draws me in, her looks captivate me, I'm hers.

I have to make her mine

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