Second Grade Besties

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Third POV:
After Fall Break at HES,(Hamilton Elementary School) Mr. Washingtons class got a new student...

Lauren's POV:
"Attention Class, we are getting a new student today and I want you all to be on your best behavior," Mr. Washington announced. Why do I have to be nice, all the new students we get are annoying and rude just like Aaron Burr. I hope this new kid is actually nice....

Third POV:
Once the clock struck 10:45 Mr. Washingtons class headed to lunch.

Lauren's POV:
"I wonder if this new kid is gonna be nice" Herc told Laf and I (Herc is Mulligan and Laf is Lafayette). "Man I hope so too," Lauren muttered to himself. "Class time to head back to the classroom!" Mr. Washington announced to his class. Now it's time to figure out who the new kid is, Lauren thought....

Hamilton's POV:
"I'm so nervous," Hamilton told his mom. "You're gonna be great, you're so kind and smart. Nothing could go wrong..." Rachel(aka Hamilton's mom's name) told Alexander. I hope nothing will go wrong, Hamilton muttered. And that's when I walked into my new teachers classroom....

Third POV:
Mr. Washington introduces Hamilton to his students and everyone stares.

Hamilton's POV:
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my goshhhh, why is everyone staring at me... I hope I fit in with these kids.

Lauren's POV:
*Raises hand* "Where are you from Alexander?" "You can just call me Alex and I'm from Saint Kitts And Nevis." I've never heard of that, and he seems pretty could I hope Mr Washington sits him next to me...

Third POV:
Mr. Washington sits Hamilton next to Aaron Burr, and Lauren's asks himself I wonder what he's like.

Hamilton's POV:
"Can I have that glitter pen that you're using?" I asked politely. "No I'm not gonna give an immigrant my glitter pen." I can't take this anymore I snatched his pen out of his hands and snaps the pen in half ,then throws it on the floor. "What the hell, why did you break my favoriting freaking glitter pen!?!?" I responded with,"Why would you call me an immigrant?"

Third POV:
Aaron burr pulls Hamilton's lushes locks and Hamilton screams loud enough to break glass. When Mr. Washington finally notices he moves Hamilton to Lauren's table, which had Herc and Laf sitting there.

Lauren's POV:
"Wow I can't believe that happened," Lauren's whispered to his table. "What are you doing Aaron!" Mr. Washington shouted at Aaron,"He snapped my glitter pen," Aaron Burr whispered,"Stop blaming the new student, go down to the office and talk to the Principal." *Then Aaron storms out of the classroom* Then Mr. Washington whispers something to Alex and he comes and sits down at our table.

Authors note:
In Elementary school Lauren's and Hamilton both have crushes on girls, but when they get into High school AU the start to have feelings for each other. Also Lauren's likes Peggy and no surprisingly Hamilton likes Eliza, but they won't end up together in the end cause this is a lams fan-fiction of course.

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