Chapter 7: Welcome Back

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Im sorry for not updating, the only reason im updating is beacause my friend is making me. I was just going to give up on this but my few fans i have dont want me to.

So if anyone still wants me to continue this let me know. Or if you dont want me to keep writing just tell me that too...

Enjoy this crappy chapter like always....i dont even know where im going with this:[


(Ham pov)

The smoke. The thick black smoke clouded my vision. Someone yelled in my ear to run but i couldnt hear. I only saw.

Laurens was in front of me and grabbed my shouldere and shook me, "SNAP OUT OF IT! WE HAVE TO GO!"

Go, go, go.



The water splashed around us and swept him away.


I tried to find him but the current took my feet out from underneath me.

All i saw was darkness. The screams. The fire. The water. The chaos and horror. The dead floated in the water.

The dark filled my thoughts and water filled my lungs.

But I couldn't seem to die.

(Flashback over)


I opened my eyes. I saw the stars. No not stars. Freckles.

It started to get warm, the fire was growing rapidly. Someone....or something must have set the so called house on fire.

Im snapped back to reality by a...slap to the face?

Laffayette and Mulligan are already out of sight by the time i get my feet to move.

Laurens grabs my arm and yanks me forward, we start running but are stopped by walkers (a/n aka zombies? I heard this term used before) staggeting out of the smoke (a/n as IMTHEHERO50 said fire attracts walkers. R u proud of me for using walking dead logic??) Shit we're screwed. We begin to retreat backwards but here the groans of the dead behind us. We are surrounded and doomed.

(A/N then Washington comes in and saves the day with his monster truck! Jk im not that nice)

I start to panic, i feel a panic attack coming on but i need to stay strong and survive this. Then i remeber the knife i was given by john earlier.

As the walkers close in on us from all sides i stab the head of one and the heart of the one next to it.

John looks at me in amazement. I grab his arm this time and we pound through the crowd of walkers only to be trapped by more.

I continue to chop and slash and zombie limbs flying everywhere, but nothing seems to be enough.

We run another few meters before i stop. I put my arm out to stop john.

"Alex we need to go what the hell are you doing?"

"Shut up and just listen. Do you hear that?"

I hear a groan and a scream from not far off. A very human like scream.

"I hear it. The scream came from that way. And its totally a guy no doubt." John says to me.

He points to the left, the same direction we were running from.

"Should we go back and check it out? What if its Herc or Laf? They might need our help."

"No john we are NOT going back."

"Yeah you dont want to go back its getting pretty fuckin wild over there," says a new voice from behind us.

John and i yelp and turn around.


"now now Hamilton its not the time to be fucking eachother now is it?" Jefferson responds with a grin.

I groan at Jefferson and fight the urge to punch him, "so what are you doing here?"

"Dont be so unapreciative Hamilton we are just trying to help. We saw smoke in the sky and thought lets go check it out, find some fun in our lives."

John butts in," when you say "we" you mean you, Washington, burr, and Madison right?"

"No i mean Hermione, Harry, and Ron"

John shoots him puzzled looks.

Jefferson rolls his eyes, "of course i mean them!!"

John mumbles, "i was just making sure."


(Burr pov)

We arived at the source of the smoke. I saw who i supposed was Hamilton and Laurens running away from all this commotion.

Washington and i headed right in. Jefferson and Madison left to go after Hamilton and Laurens.

Laffayette and Hercules were no where to be found.

I started by attempting to put out the fire as Washington slashed the walkers creeping up on us.

The fire wouldnt stop growing or go out, "ITS NOT GOING OUT!" i cough out, the smoke already filling my lungs, "WE NEED TO GET OUT!"

Washington nods and we make a break for it the same way Jefferson left.

We are panting and breathing hard when i crash into Jefferson.

"Oh im sorry didnt see you there," i try to laugh it off.

"WATCH IT oh wait hi burr."

I look around to see Jefferson, Hamilton, Laurens, and Washington run up behind me. But no sign of the other three.

I hear rustling suddenly in the bushes in front of us. We all turn our attention to that. We all take a few steps back in fear of a walker but instead greeted with

How in the world has a cat survived this?

"LOOK WHAT WE FOUND!" screams an over enthusiastict Laffayette.

We all shush him.

Behind Laffayette, Mulligan and Madison stumble out of the bush.

"You three found a cat?" The three nod.

"Put it back where it came from, it probably has diseases," scoffs Jefferson.

"Fine we'll just leave it OUT HERE TO DIE!"

"Wooo calm your tities Laf it'll be fine. It has survived this long hasnt it?" Says Laurens trying a more calm approach.

Laffayette mumbles something leaving the cat and following our group to who knows where.

I sigh. This has been a long night.

Sorry that was terrible I havent updated for forever, haha deh reference.

I finally have some more ideas on where to go with this i guess? So maybe ill have another chapter out this week

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