Sukor- Love Happens

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Recap: Suraj told them abt his job ACP n Chakor is in her last year (2 months left)

Bhuvaan: Hmm as an ACP u have many enemies. Right?

Suraj: Uncle I won't lie it's true but it's my job n love it.

Chakor *Wow an ACP n I thought he is a loafer hihi*

Kasturi: Chakoriya where r ur manners serve them food or drinks! looking at her with angry eyes n making a head move (get up!).

Chakor was in the kitchen *arrg*: Would u like to have tea or coffee with fake smile.

All agreed for Chai (Tea).

She cb after 10 min with 6 cups without sugar. She served to every1.

Teju: it smells good

Chakor: Thank u

Suraj: Mom it's just chai n a bad one too.

Kasturi: Chakor did u put something in his Chai? 😡.

Chakor: No!.

Suraj: Well aunty that's the problem I love to drink my Chai with 1 tsp of sugar.

Kasturi: Oh here. She looked on the tray n back to Chakor. Something is missing.

Chakor got up n searched for the sugar… Mom were is the sugar?

Kasturi got up: This girl I'm so sorry.

Both cb with sugar.

Chakor give him the sugar but Kasturi arhhm. Chakor then took a tsp n filled with sugar in his cup.

Kasturi : Now how it taste.

Suraj took a zip n smiled *oh aunty its awful. I can't blame her giving me salt instead of sugar afterall u were helping her in finding the sugar* The patents talked n Suraj couldn't drink n was staring at Chakor *poor girl. Thank God mom is not like aunty so strict* He was in his thoughts still staring her.

KN: Oh Suraj I know the Chai’s great n after u got ur sugar it's also sweet but if u keep staring her ur chai will get cold.

Suraj totally red: No it's not like this.

Chakor too get blushed.

Teju: I want to fix this alliance but I know u need time to think.

Kasturi: are we agree. Right?

Bhuvaan: Don't hesitate I need a day to think. it's a matter of my baby girls life.

KN: Take as much as time u need.

Suraj drunk the Chai n they left Kasturi told them to inform them tomorrow till 5 pm.

Back in the car Suraj drive.

Teju: She is beautiful

Suraj: She is lazy

Teju: She respects her parents

Suraj: So do I n the rest of the world.

Teju: Her chai was great ^^

Suraj just smiled *papa arrg*

KN: y ru argueing they won't agree

Teju: y r u saying this?

KN: Bcz he is a damn cop. After hearing this Bhuvaan Laal was only thinking of the safety of his daughter.

Teju: She will be married to a policeman it's the safest place. btw u never know what can happen in the next moment.

KN: I think we should tell them more abt our business.

Suraj: No. She is going to marry a policeman with a regular income n not a rich son.

Teju: But I want u to live with as.

Suraj: No. no1 tell her that we have servants.

Teju: But.

Suraj: No u made ur decision. She will become ur Bahu but only on my terms of condition. I live n work in Delhi she will marry me n stay with me.

KN: ok.

Teju: What ok.

KN whispered: He agreed to the wedding just keep calm before he changes his mind. Teju smiled.

Back at Bhuvaan Laal

Kasturi: Chakoriya I'm so happy. They like u so much. Entering her room 🤤 Chakoriya what is this…

Chakor: Mom! u can't just come in without knocking the door.

Kasturi goes to Chakor so angry n Chakor was going backwards but there was the wall. She looked at her. He really likes u after seeing this mess no man would sit n talk with us so nicely.

Chakor shocked 😲 *Suraj Suraj Suraj it's only Suraj arrg*

Chakor: He isn't nice he he…. arrg mom leave my room.

Kasturi left with a big smile on her face.

Chakor arrg she closed the door n locked it.

‘He lives in Delhi n I study there I haven't heard abt him. hmm🤔 yes I know who can give me this information but first I have to change’

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